/***** spin: pangen3.c *****/ /* Copyright (c) 1989-2003 by Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories. */ /* All Rights Reserved. This software is for educational purposes only. */ /* No guarantee whatsoever is expressed or implied by the distribution of */ /* this code. Permission is given to distribute this code provided that */ /* this introductory message is not removed and no monies are exchanged. */ /* Software written by Gerard J. Holzmann. For tool documentation see: */ /* http://spinroot.com/ */ /* Send all bug-reports and/or questions to: bugs@spinroot.com */ #include "spin.h" #include "y.tab.h" extern FILE *th, *tc; extern int eventmapnr, old_priority_rules; typedef struct SRC { int ln, st; /* linenr, statenr */ Symbol *fn; /* filename */ struct SRC *nxt; } SRC; static int col; static Symbol *lastfnm; static Symbol lastdef; static int lastfrom; static SRC *frst = (SRC *) 0; static SRC *skip = (SRC *) 0; extern int ltl_mode; extern void sr_mesg(FILE *, int, int); static void putnr(int n) { if (col++ == 8) { fprintf(tc, "\n\t"); /* was th */ col = 1; } fprintf(tc, "%3d, ", n); /* was th */ } static void putfnm(int j, Symbol *s) { if (lastfnm && lastfnm == s && j != -1) return; if (lastfnm) fprintf(tc, "{ \"%s\", %d, %d },\n\t", /* was th */ lastfnm->name, lastfrom, j-1); lastfnm = s; lastfrom = j; } static void putfnm_flush(int j) { if (lastfnm) fprintf(tc, "{ \"%s\", %d, %d }\n", /* was th */ lastfnm->name, lastfrom, j); } void putskip(int m) /* states that need not be reached */ { SRC *tmp; for (tmp = skip; tmp; tmp = tmp->nxt) if (tmp->st == m) return; tmp = (SRC *) emalloc(sizeof(SRC)); tmp->st = m; tmp->nxt = skip; skip = tmp; } void unskip(int m) /* a state that needs to be reached after all */ { SRC *tmp, *lst=(SRC *)0; for (tmp = skip; tmp; lst = tmp, tmp = tmp->nxt) if (tmp->st == m) { if (tmp == skip) skip = skip->nxt; else if (lst) /* always true, but helps coverity */ lst->nxt = tmp->nxt; break; } } void putsrc(Element *e) /* match states to source lines */ { SRC *tmp; int n, m; if (!e || !e->n) return; n = e->n->ln; m = e->seqno; for (tmp = frst; tmp; tmp = tmp->nxt) if (tmp->st == m) { if (tmp->ln != n || tmp->fn != e->n->fn) printf("putsrc mismatch seqno %d, line %d - %d, file %s\n", m, n, tmp->ln, tmp->fn->name); return; } tmp = (SRC *) emalloc(sizeof(SRC)); tmp->ln = n; tmp->st = m; tmp->fn = e->n->fn; tmp->nxt = frst; frst = tmp; } static void dumpskip(int n, int m) { SRC *tmp, *lst; FILE *tz = tc; /* was th */ int j; fprintf(tz, "uchar reached%d [] = {\n\t", m); for (j = 0, col = 0; j <= n; j++) { lst = (SRC *) 0; for (tmp = skip; tmp; lst = tmp, tmp = tmp->nxt) if (tmp->st == j) { putnr(1); if (lst) lst->nxt = tmp->nxt; else skip = tmp->nxt; break; } if (!tmp) putnr(0); } fprintf(tz, "};\n"); fprintf(tz, "uchar *loopstate%d;\n", m); if (m == eventmapnr) fprintf(th, "#define reached_event reached%d\n", m); skip = (SRC *) 0; } void dumpsrc(int n, int m) { SRC *tmp, *lst; int j; static int did_claim = 0; FILE *tz = tc; /* was th */ fprintf(tz, "\nshort src_ln%d [] = {\n\t", m); for (j = 0, col = 0; j <= n; j++) { for (tmp = frst; tmp; tmp = tmp->nxt) if (tmp->st == j) { putnr(tmp->ln); break; } if (!tmp) putnr(0); } fprintf(tz, "};\n"); lastfnm = (Symbol *) 0; lastdef.name = "-"; fprintf(tz, "S_F_MAP src_file%d [] = {\n\t", m); for (j = 0, col = 0; j <= n; j++) { lst = (SRC *) 0; for (tmp = frst; tmp; lst = tmp, tmp = tmp->nxt) if (tmp->st == j) { putfnm(j, tmp->fn); if (lst) lst->nxt = tmp->nxt; else frst = tmp->nxt; break; } if (!tmp) putfnm(j, &lastdef); } putfnm_flush(j); fprintf(tz, "};\n"); if (pid_is_claim(m) && !did_claim) { fprintf(tz, "short *src_claim;\n"); did_claim++; } if (m == eventmapnr) fprintf(th, "#define src_event src_ln%d\n", m); frst = (SRC *) 0; dumpskip(n, m); } #define Cat0(x) comwork(fd,now->lft,m); fprintf(fd, x); \ comwork(fd,now->rgt,m) #define Cat1(x) fprintf(fd,"("); Cat0(x); fprintf(fd,")") #define Cat2(x,y) fprintf(fd,x); comwork(fd,y,m) #define Cat3(x,y,z) fprintf(fd,x); comwork(fd,y,m); fprintf(fd,z) static int symbolic(FILE *fd, Lextok *tv) { Lextok *n; extern Lextok *Mtype; int cnt = 1; if (tv->ismtyp) for (n = Mtype; n; n = n->rgt, cnt++) if (cnt == tv->val) { fprintf(fd, "%s", n->lft->sym->name); return 1; } return 0; } static void comwork(FILE *fd, Lextok *now, int m) { Lextok *v; int i, j; if (!now) { fprintf(fd, "0"); return; } switch (now->ntyp) { case CONST: sr_mesg(fd, now->val, now->ismtyp); break; case '!': Cat3("!(", now->lft, ")"); break; case UMIN: Cat3("-(", now->lft, ")"); break; case '~': Cat3("~(", now->lft, ")"); break; case '/': Cat1("/"); break; case '*': Cat1("*"); break; case '-': Cat1("-"); break; case '+': Cat1("+"); break; case '%': Cat1("%%"); break; case '&': Cat1("&"); break; case '^': Cat1("^"); break; case '|': Cat1("|"); break; case LE: Cat1("<="); break; case GE: Cat1(">="); break; case GT: Cat1(">"); break; case LT: Cat1("<"); break; case NE: Cat1("!="); break; case EQ: if (ltl_mode && now->lft->ntyp == 'p' && now->rgt->ntyp == 'q') /* remote ref */ { Lextok *p = now->lft->lft; fprintf(fd, "("); fprintf(fd, "%s", p->sym->name); if (p->lft) { fprintf(fd, "["); putstmnt(fd, p->lft, 0); /* pid */ fprintf(fd, "]"); } fprintf(fd, "@"); fprintf(fd, "%s", now->rgt->sym->name); fprintf(fd, ")"); break; } Cat1("=="); break; case OR: Cat1("||"); break; case AND: Cat1("&&"); break; case LSHIFT: Cat1("<<"); break; case RSHIFT: Cat1(">>"); break; case RUN: fprintf(fd, "run %s(", now->sym->name); for (v = now->lft; v; v = v->rgt) if (v == now->lft) { comwork(fd, v->lft, m); } else { Cat2(",", v->lft); } fprintf(fd, ")"); break; case LEN: putname(fd, "len(", now->lft, m, ")"); break; case FULL: putname(fd, "full(", now->lft, m, ")"); break; case EMPTY: putname(fd, "empty(", now->lft, m, ")"); break; case NFULL: putname(fd, "nfull(", now->lft, m, ")"); break; case NEMPTY: putname(fd, "nempty(", now->lft, m, ")"); break; case 's': putname(fd, "", now->lft, m, now->val?"!!":"!"); for (v = now->rgt, i=0; v; v = v->rgt, i++) { if (v != now->rgt) fprintf(fd,","); if (!symbolic(fd, v->lft)) comwork(fd,v->lft,m); } break; case 'r': putname(fd, "", now->lft, m, "?"); switch (now->val) { case 0: break; case 1: fprintf(fd, "?"); break; case 2: fprintf(fd, "<"); break; case 3: fprintf(fd, "?<"); break; } for (v = now->rgt, i=0; v; v = v->rgt, i++) { if (v != now->rgt) fprintf(fd,","); if (!symbolic(fd, v->lft)) comwork(fd,v->lft,m); } if (now->val >= 2) fprintf(fd, ">"); break; case 'R': putname(fd, "", now->lft, m, now->val?"??[":"?["); for (v = now->rgt, i=0; v; v = v->rgt, i++) { if (v != now->rgt) fprintf(fd,","); if (!symbolic(fd, v->lft)) comwork(fd,v->lft,m); } fprintf(fd, "]"); break; case ENABLED: Cat3("enabled(", now->lft, ")"); break; case GET_P: if (old_priority_rules) { fprintf(fd, "1"); } else { Cat3("get_priority(", now->lft, ")"); } break; case SET_P: if (!old_priority_rules) { fprintf(fd, "set_priority("); comwork(fd, now->lft->lft, m); fprintf(fd, ", "); comwork(fd, now->lft->rgt, m); fprintf(fd, ")"); } break; case EVAL: Cat3("eval(", now->lft, ")"); break; case NONPROGRESS: fprintf(fd, "np_"); break; case PC_VAL: Cat3("pc_value(", now->lft, ")"); break; case 'c': Cat3("(", now->lft, ")"); break; case '?': if (now->lft) { Cat3("( (", now->lft, ") -> "); } if (now->rgt) { Cat3("(", now->rgt->lft, ") : "); Cat3("(", now->rgt->rgt, ") )"); } break; case ASGN: if (check_track(now) == STRUCT) { break; } comwork(fd,now->lft,m); fprintf(fd," = "); comwork(fd,now->rgt,m); break; case PRINT: { char c, buf[512]; strncpy(buf, now->sym->name, 510); for (i = j = 0; i < 510; i++, j++) { c = now->sym->name[i]; buf[j] = c; if (c == '\\') buf[++j] = c; if (c == '\"') buf[j] = '\''; if (c == '\0') break; } if (now->ntyp == PRINT) fprintf(fd, "printf"); else fprintf(fd, "annotate"); fprintf(fd, "(%s", buf); } for (v = now->lft; v; v = v->rgt) { Cat2(",", v->lft); } fprintf(fd, ")"); break; case PRINTM: fprintf(fd, "printm("); comwork(fd, now->lft, m); fprintf(fd, ")"); break; case NAME: putname(fd, "", now, m, ""); break; case 'p': if (ltl_mode) { fprintf(fd, "%s", now->lft->sym->name); /* proctype */ if (now->lft->lft) { fprintf(fd, "["); putstmnt(fd, now->lft->lft, 0); /* pid */ fprintf(fd, "]"); } fprintf(fd, ":"); /* remote varref */ fprintf(fd, "%s", now->sym->name); /* varname */ break; } putremote(fd, now, m); break; case 'q': fprintf(fd, "%s", now->sym->name); break; case C_EXPR: case C_CODE: fprintf(fd, "{%s}", now->sym->name); break; case ASSERT: Cat3("assert(", now->lft, ")"); break; case '.': fprintf(fd, ".(goto)"); break; case GOTO: fprintf(fd, "goto %s", now->sym->name); break; case BREAK: fprintf(fd, "break"); break; case ELSE: fprintf(fd, "else"); break; case '@': fprintf(fd, "-end-"); break; case D_STEP: fprintf(fd, "D_STEP"); break; case ATOMIC: fprintf(fd, "ATOMIC"); break; case NON_ATOMIC: fprintf(fd, "sub-sequence"); break; case IF: fprintf(fd, "IF"); break; case DO: fprintf(fd, "DO"); break; case UNLESS: fprintf(fd, "unless"); break; case TIMEOUT: fprintf(fd, "timeout"); break; default: if (isprint(now->ntyp)) fprintf(fd, "'%c'", now->ntyp); else fprintf(fd, "%d", now->ntyp); break; } } void comment(FILE *fd, Lextok *now, int m) { extern short terse, nocast; terse=nocast=1; comwork(fd, now, m); terse=nocast=0; }