/* * USB audio driver for Plan 9 */ #include #include #include #include "usb.h" #include "usbaudio.h" #include "usbaudioctl.h" #define STACKSIZE 16*1024 extern char* srvpost; char * mntpt; Channel *controlchan; char audstr[] = "Enabled 0x000101"; /* audio.control.0 */ int defaultspeed[2] = {44100, 44100}; static void audio_endpoint(Device *d, int c, ulong csp, void *bb, int n) { int ifc; int dalt; byte *b = bb; if (c >= nelem(d->config)) { fprint(2, "Too many interfaces (%d of %d)\n", c, nelem(d->config)); return; } dalt=csp>>24; ifc = csp>>16 & 0xff; switch(b[2]) { case 0x01: if (debug){ fprint(2, "CS_ENDPOINT for attributes 0x%x, lockdelayunits %d, lockdelay %#ux, ", b[3], b[4], b[5] | (b[6]<<8)); if (b[3] & has_setspeed) fprint(2, "has sampling-frequency control"); else fprint(2, "does not have sampling-frequency control"); if (b[3] & 0x1<<1) fprint(2, ", has pitch control"); else fprint(2, ", does not have pitch control"); if (b[3] & 0x1<<7) fprint(2, ", max packets only"); fprint(2, "\n"); } if (d->config[c] == nil) sysfatal("d->config[%d] == nil", c); if (d->config[c]->iface[ifc] == nil) sysfatal("d->config[%d]->iface[%d] == nil", c, ifc); if (d->config[c]->iface[ifc]->dalt[dalt] == nil) d->config[c]->iface[ifc]->dalt[dalt] = mallocz(sizeof(Dalt),1); if (d->config[c]->iface[ifc]->dalt[dalt]->devspec == nil) d->config[c]->iface[ifc]->dalt[dalt]->devspec= mallocz(sizeof(Audioalt),1); ((Audioalt*)d->config[c]->iface[ifc]->dalt[dalt]->devspec)->caps |= b[3]; break; case 0x02: if (debug){ fprint(2, "CS_INTERFACE FORMAT_TYPE %d, channels %d, subframesize %d, resolution %d, freqtype %d, ", b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7]); fprint(2, "freq0 %d, freq1 %d\n", b[8] | (b[9]<<8) | (b[10]<<16), b[11] | (b[12]<<8) | (b[13]<<16)); } break; default: if (debug) pcs_raw("CS_INTERFACE", bb, n); } } void (*dprinter[])(Device *, int, ulong, void *b, int n) = { [STRING] pstring, [DEVICE] pdevice, [0x21] phid, [0x24] audio_interface, [0x25] audio_endpoint, }; enum { None, Volumeset, Volumeget, Altset, Altget, Speedget, }; void controlproc(void *) { /* Proc that looks after /dev/usb/%d/ctl */ int i, nf; char *req, *args[8]; Audiocontrol *c; long value[8]; Channel *replchan; while(req = recvp(controlchan)){ int rec; nf = tokenize(req, args, nelem(args)); if (nf < 3) sysfatal("controlproc: not enough arguments"); replchan = (Channel*)strtol(args[0], nil, 0); if (strcmp(args[2], "playback") == 0) rec = Play; else if (strcmp(args[2], "record") == 0) rec = Record; else{ /* illegal request */ if (debug) fprint(2, "%s must be record or playback", args[2]); if (replchan) chanprint(replchan, "%s must be record or playback", args[2]); free(req); continue; } c = nil; for (i = 0; i < Ncontrol; i++){ c = &controls[rec][i]; if (strcmp(args[1], c->name) == 0) break; } if (i == Ncontrol){ if (debug) fprint(2, "Illegal control name: %s", args[1]); if (replchan) chanprint(replchan, "Illegal control name: %s", args[1]); }else if (!c->settable){ if (debug & Dbginfo) fprint(2, "%s %s is not settable", args[1], args[2]); if (replchan) chanprint(replchan, "%s %s is not settable", args[1], args[2]); }else if (nf < 4){ if (debug & Dbginfo) fprint(2, "insufficient arguments for %s %s", args[1], args[2]); if (replchan) chanprint(replchan, "insufficient arguments for %s %s", args[1], args[2]); }else if (ctlparse(args[3], c, value) < 0) { if (replchan) chanprint(replchan, "parse error in %s %s", args[1], args[2]); } else { if (debug & Dbginfo) fprint(2, "controlproc: setcontrol %s %s %s\n", rec?"in":"out", args[1], args[3]); if (setcontrol(rec, args[1], value) < 0){ if (replchan) chanprint(replchan, "setting %s %s failed", args[1], args[2]); }else{ if (replchan) chanprint(replchan, "ok"); } ctlevent(); } free(req); } } void buttonproc(void *) { int i, fd, b; char fname[64], err[32]; byte buf[1]; Audiocontrol *c; sprint(fname, "/dev/usb%d/%d/ep%ddata", ad->ctlrno, ad->id, buttonendpt); if (debug & Dbginfo) fprint(2, "buttonproc opening %s\n", fname); if ((fd = open(fname, OREAD)) < 0) sysfatal("Can't open %s: %r", fname); c = &controls[Play][Volume_control]; for (;;) { if ((b = read(fd, buf, 1)) < 0){ rerrstr(err, sizeof err); if (strcmp(err, "interrupted") == 0){ if (debug & Dbginfo) fprint(2, "read interrupted\n"); continue; } sysfatal("read %s: %r", fname); } if (b == 0 || buf[0] == 0){ continue; }else if (buf[0] == 1){ if (c->chans == 0) c->value[0] += c->step; else for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) if (c->chans & 1 << i) c->value[i] += c->step; chanprint(controlchan, "0 volume playback %A", c); }else if (buf[0] == 2){ if (c->chans == 0) c->value[0] -= c->step; else for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) if (c->chans & 1 << i) c->value[i] -= c->step; chanprint(controlchan, "0 volume playback %A", c); }else if (debug & Dbginfo){ fprint(2, "button"); for (i = 0; i < b; i++) fprint(2, " %#2.2x", buf[i]); fprint(2, "\n"); } } } void findendpoints(void) { Endpt *ep; int i, rec; for (i = 0; i < Nendpt; i++) { if ((ep = ad->ep[i]) == nil) continue; switch(ep->csp){ default: break; case CSP(CL_AUDIO, 2, 0): if (ep->iface == nil) break; rec = (ep->addr & 0x80)?1:0; if (verbose) fprint(2, "%s on endpoint %d\n", rec?"Record":"Playback", i); endpt[rec] = i; interface[rec] = ep->iface->interface; break; case CSP(CL_HID, 0, 0): if (verbose) fprint(2, "Buttons on endpoint %d\n", i); buttonendpt = i; break; } } } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: usbaudio [-V] [-v volume] [-m mountpoint] [-s srvname] [ctrlno n]\n"); threadexitsall("usage"); } void threadmain(int argc, char **argv) { int ctlrno, id, i, sfd; long value[8]; long volume[8]; Audiocontrol *c; char buf[32], *p, line[256]; ctlrno = -1; id = -1; volume[0] = Undef; for (i = 0; i<8; i++) value[i] = 0; fmtinstall('A', Aconv); quotefmtinstall(); ARGBEGIN{ case 'V': verbose++; break; case 'd': debug = strtol(EARGF(usage()), nil, 0); if (debug == -1) debugdebug++; verbose++; break; case 'v': volume[0] = strtol(EARGF(usage()), &p, 0); for(i = 1; i < 8; i++) volume[i] = volume[0]; break; case 'm': mntpt = EARGF(usage()); break; case 's': srvpost = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND switch (argc) { case 0: for (ctlrno = 0; ctlrno < 16; ctlrno++) { for (i = 1; i < 128; i++) { sprint(buf, "/dev/usb%d/%d/status", ctlrno, i); sfd = open(buf, OREAD); if (sfd < 0) break; if (read(sfd, line, strlen(audstr)) == strlen(audstr) && strncmp(audstr, line, strlen(audstr)) == 0) { id = i; goto found; } close(sfd); } } if (verbose) fprint(2, "No usb audio\n"); threadexitsall("usbaudio not found"); found: break; case 2: ctlrno = atoi(argv[0]); id = atoi(argv[1]); break; default: usage(); } ad = opendev(ctlrno, id); if (describedevice(ad) < 0) sysfatal("describedevice"); for(i=0; inconf; i++) { if (ad->config[i] == nil) ad->config[i] = mallocz(sizeof(*ad->config[i]),1); loadconfig(ad, i); } controlchan = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 8); findendpoints(); if (endpt[Play] >= 0){ if(findalt(Play, 2, 16, defaultspeed[Play]) < 0){ if(findalt(Play, 2, 16, 48000) < 0) sysfatal("Can't configure playout for %d or %d Hz", defaultspeed[Play], 48000); fprint(2, "Warning, can't configure playout for %d Hz, configuring for %d Hz instead\n", defaultspeed[Play], 48000); defaultspeed[Play] = 48000; } value[0] = 2; if (setcontrol(Play, "channels", value) == Undef) sysfatal("Can't set play channels\n"); value[0] = 16; if (setcontrol(Play, "resolution", value) == Undef) sysfatal("Can't set play resolution\n"); } if (endpt[Record] >= 0){ if(findalt(Record, 2, 16, defaultspeed[Record]) < 0){ if(findalt(Record, 2, 16, 48000) < 0) sysfatal("Can't configure record for %d or %d Hz", defaultspeed[Record], 48000); fprint(2, "Warning, can't configure record for %d Hz, configuring for %d Hz instead\n", defaultspeed[Record], 48000); defaultspeed[Record] = 48000; } value[0] = 2; if (setcontrol(Record, "channels", value) == Undef) sysfatal("Can't set record channels\n"); value[0] = 16; if (setcontrol(Record, "resolution", value) == Undef) sysfatal("Can't set record resolution\n"); } getcontrols(); /* Get the initial value of all controls */ value[0] = defaultspeed[Play]; if (endpt[Play] >= 0 && setcontrol(Play, "speed", value) < 0) sysfatal("Can't set play speed\n"); value[0] = defaultspeed[Record]; if (endpt[Record] >= 0 && setcontrol(Record, "speed", value) < 0) fprint(2, "Can't set record speed\n"); value[0] = 0; setcontrol(Play, "mute", value); if (volume[0] != Undef){ c = &controls[Play][Volume_control]; if (*p == '%' && c->min != Undef) for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) volume[i] = (volume[i]*c->max + (100-volume[i])*c->min)/100; if (c->settable) setcontrol(Play, "volume", volume); c = &controls[Record][Volume_control]; if (c->settable) setcontrol(Record, "volume", volume); } if (buttonendpt > 0){ sprint(buf, "ep %d bulk r 1 1", buttonendpt); if (debug) fprint(2, "sending `%s' to /dev/usb/%d/ctl\n", buf, id); if (write(ad->ctl, buf, strlen(buf)) > 0) proccreate(buttonproc, nil, STACKSIZE); else fprint(2, "Could not configure button endpoint: %r\n"); } proccreate(controlproc, nil, STACKSIZE); proccreate(serve, nil, STACKSIZE); threadexits(nil); }