/* * item editing commands -- line, circle, arc, edit, delete, ... * and support therefor */ #include "art.h" Image *color; Dpoint svpoint; void Oedit(void){ Item *s=selection; if(!s || narg<1){ msg("edit: nothing selected"); return; } use1("edit"); cool(s); s->flags|=INVIS; reheat(); /* does a redraw! */ s->flags&=!INVIS; (*s->fn->edit)(); itemdraw(s, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(s); activate(s); argument(); } void movep(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[i]=p; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void mover(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ Flt r; r=dist(p, ip->p[0]); if(r!=ip->r){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->r=r; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } } void movex0(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[0].x=p.x; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void movey0(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[0].y=p.y; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void movex1(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[1].x=p.x; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void movey1(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[1].y=p.y; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void movex0y1(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[0].x=p.x; ip->p[1].y=p.y; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void movex1y0(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[1].x=p.x; ip->p[0].y=p.y; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void moveall(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); (*ip->fn->translate)(ip, dsub(p, svpoint)); svpoint=p; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } Cursor dxx = { 0,0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xEF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x66, 0xD8, 0xC6, 0xF8, 0xC6, 0x70, 0xC6, 0xFB, 0xC6, 0xDF, 0xC6, 0x0E, 0x6E, 0x1F, 0x36, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; int use1(char *why){ msg("Use button 1 to %s, button 2 or 3 to abort", why); esetcursor(&dxx); while(!button123()) getmouse(); esetcursor((Cursor *)0); msg(cmdname); if(button1()) return 1; while(button123()) getmouse(); return 0; } void Oline(void){ Item *ip; if(narg<1){ msg("select an endpoint, then hit line"); return; } if(!use1("draw a line")) return; ip=addline(scene, arg[0], arg[0]); hotpoint(arg[0]); track(movep, 1, ip); itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(ip); activate(ip); argument(); } void Ocircle(void){ Item *ip; if(narg<1){ msg("select a center point, then hit circle"); return; } if(!use1("set the circle's radius")) return; ip=addcircle(scene, arg[0], 0.); hotpoint(arg[0]); track(mover, 0, ip); itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(ip); activate(ip); argument(); msg(cmdname); } void Ospline(void){ Item *ip; Item *s=selection; int i, n; Dpoint p; if(narg<1){ msg("select an endpoint or a spline, then hit spline"); return; } if(s && (s->type==SPLINE /*|| s->type==LINE*/)){ if(!use1("extend a spline")) return; itemdraw(s, scoffs, color); setselection(0); n=morespline(s, arg[0]); for(i=0;i!=s->np;i++) if(i!=n) hotpoint(s->p[i]); track(movespline, n, s); itemdraw(s, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(s); activate(s); argument(); return; } if(!use1("start a new spline")) return; ip=addspline(scene, arg[0], arg[0]); hotpoint(arg[0]); track(movep, 1, ip); itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(ip); activate(ip); argument(); } void sweepbox(Item *ip, int i, Dpoint p){ Item *lp; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); ip->p[1]=p; itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); } void Obox(void){ Item *ip; if(!use1("sweep out the box")) return; hotline(curpt, dadd(curpt, Dpt(1.,0.)), L); hotline(curpt, dadd(curpt, Dpt(0.,1.)), L); ip=addbox(scene, curpt, curpt); track(sweepbox, 0, ip); itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(ip); activate(ip); argument(); msg(cmdname); } void Oarc(void){ Item *ip; if(narg<2){ msg("select two points, then hit arc"); return; } if(!use1("draw an arc")) return; ip=addarc(scene, arg[0], arg[0], arg[1]); hotpoint(arg[0]); hotpoint(arg[1]); track(movep, 0, ip); itemdraw(ip, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(ip); activate(ip); argument(); } Drectangle grpbox; void inboxprim(Item *ip, Item *op){ if((*ip->fn->inbox)(ip, grpbox)) op->flags|=BOXED; } /* * Create a new group by grabbing all items inside the rectangle indicated by the user */ void Ogroup(void){ Flt t; Item *box, *ip, *grp, *next; int grpnum; for(grpnum=0;group[grpnum];grpnum++) if(grpnum==NGROUP){ msg("Group table full!"); return; } if(!use1("sweep out the group")) return; box=addbox(0, curpt, curpt); track(sweepbox, 0, box); grpbox=drcanon(Drpt(box->p[0], box->p[1])); for(ip=scene->next;ip->type!=HEAD;ip=ip->next) ip->flags&=~BOXED; walk(scene, Dpt(0., 0.), inboxprim); setselection(0); delete(box); group[grpnum]=addhead(); itemdraw(scene, scoffs, color); /* nonce */ for(ip=scene->next;ip->type!=HEAD;ip=next){ next=ip->next; if(ip->flags&BOXED){ ip->next->prev=ip->prev; ip->prev->next=ip->next; ip->next=group[grpnum]; ip->prev=group[grpnum]->prev; ip->next->prev=ip; ip->prev->next=ip; } } ip=addgroup(scene, grpnum, Dpt(0., 0.)); if(heatnew) heat(ip); itemdraw(scene, scoffs, color); /* nonce */ setselection(ip); argument(); msg(cmdname); } /* * Make a copy of the current object */ void Ocopy(void){ Item *s=selection; if(!s || narg<1){ msg("copy: nothing selected"); return; } if(s==scene){ msg("copy: values of ß will give rise to dom"); return; } use1("copy"); s=additemv(scene, s->type, s->r, s->face, s->text, s->group, s->fn, s->np, s->p, Dpt(0., 0.)); cool(s); reheat(); track(moveall, 0, s); itemdraw(s, scoffs, color); if(heatnew) heat(s); activate(s); argument(); }