/* * definitions used in more than one file */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DPI 100. typedef double Flt; typedef struct Dpoint Dpoint; typedef struct Drectangle Drectangle; typedef struct Item Item; typedef struct Typeface Typeface; typedef struct Itemfns Itemfns; typedef struct Align Align; typedef struct Grid Grid; typedef struct Alpt Alpt; typedef struct Scsave Scsave; struct Dpoint{ Flt x, y; }; #define ORDER 4 typedef Dpoint Bezier[ORDER]; #define Dpt(x,y) ((Dpoint){(x), (y)}) struct Drectangle{ Dpoint min, max; }; Drectangle dwgdrect; /* screen dimensions in drawing coordinates */ #define Drect(x0, y0, x1, y1) ((Drectangle){(Dpoint){(x0), (y0)}, (Dpoint){(x1), (y1)}}) #define Drpt(p, q) ((Drectangle){p, q}) /* * Fig edits scenes composed of lines, circular arcs, circles, boxes and text. */ struct Item{ Item *next, *prev; /* circular connections within group */ Item *orig; /* whence the prototype for this object came */ Item *near; /* links on near list */ int np; /* length of p */ Dpoint *p; /* p[0] is start point of text, center of circle */ /* p[0], p[1] are endpoints of lines, corners of boxes */ /* p[0], p[1], p[2] are start, middle and end of arcs */ Dpoint nearpt; /* point near test point */ Flt r; /* radius of circles */ Typeface *face; /* font if text */ char *text; /* characters of text */ int group; /* index in group table */ char style; /* line style */ char type; /* what kind of object */ char flags; /* various Boolean annotations */ Itemfns *fn; /* object-orientedness */ }; /* * item types */ #define HEAD 0 #define LINE 1 #define ARC 2 #define CIRCLE 3 #define TEXT 4 #define BOX 5 #define SPLINE 6 #define GROUP 7 /* * item flags */ #define MOVING 1 /* item is moving, therefore no gravity */ #define HOT 2 /* item generates alignments */ #define BOXED 4 /* item is boxed */ #define FLAT 8 /* item was created by flattening scene */ #define INVIS 16 /* don't draw this! */ /* * line style bits */ #define ARROW0 1 /* arrowhead at p[0] */ #define ARROW1 2 /* arrowhead at p[np-1] */ #define DASH 4 /* dashed line */ #define DOT 8 /* dotted line */ struct Itemfns{ void (*delete)(Item *); /* delete item, free up storage */ void (*write)(Item *, int); /* put in file */ void (*activate)(Item *); /* indicate hot points and lines */ Dpoint (*near)(Item *, Dpoint); /* item point nearest test point */ void (*artdraw)(Item *, Image *, Image *); /* draw the item */ void (*edit)(void); /* alter item with mouse */ void (*translate)(Item *, Dpoint); /* transform item by translation */ int (*inbox)(Item *, Drectangle); /* does object intersect box? */ Drectangle (*bbox)(Item *); /* return object's bounding box */ Dpoint (*nearvert)(Item *, Dpoint); /* item vertex nearest test point */ }; struct Typeface{ char *name; char *file; Font *font; }; #define NBUTTON 16 struct Align{ Flt value; char active; char button[NBUTTON]; }; #define NGBUTTON 60 struct Grid{ Dpoint origin; Dpoint delta; char button[NGBUTTON]; }; struct Alpt{ Dpoint p; Item *on; /* an item that alpt is on */ Alpt *next; }; struct Scsave{ Item *scene; Dpoint scoffs; /* scene offset */ }; Typeface *curface; Item *scene; /* the whole drawing */ Dpoint curpt; /* caret point */ Dpoint anchor; /* anchor point */ Flt gravity; /* radius within which active objects attract, off if zero */ #define NALIGN 20 #define SLOPE 0 #define ANGLE 1 #define PARA 2 #define CIRC 3 Align align[4][NALIGN]; int nalign[4]; #define NGRID 20 Grid grid[NGRID]; int ngrid; int gridsel; #define NARG 3 Dpoint arg[NARG]; int narg; #define NCMD 128 Rune rcmd[NCMD+2]; char cmd[3*(NCMD+2)]; char *cmdname; Item *selection; /* the item closest to curpt */ Item *active; /* alignment objects */ Alpt *alpt; Font *fontp; /* font for msg */ int mousefd; /* fd of /dev/dmouse */ int mousectl; /* fd of /dev/mousectl */ Rectangle dwgbox; /* drawing area */ Rectangle echobox; /* character echo area */ Rectangle msgbox; /* message area */ Mouse mouse; /* mouse data */ int heatnew; /* should new or edited items be heated */ #define radians(deg) ((deg)*.0174532925199432957) #define degrees(rad) ((rad)*57.29577951308232103) #define NGROUP 100 Item *group[NGROUP]; int grpmap[NGROUP]; /* mapping between internal & file group nums */ int ngrp; Dpoint scoffs; /* offset at which to draw scene */ Dpoint svpoint; /* previous point, used in moveall */ #define NSCSTACK 128 Scsave scstack[NSCSTACK]; Scsave *scsp; #define CLOSE (.1/DPI) /* closeness of coordinates, see same(.,.) */ #define SMALL 1e-5 /* avoid divide check, see circumcenter, pldist, etc. */ Itemfns splinefns; #define L 1 /* heat left endpoint of line in hotline */ #define R 2 /* heat right endpoint of line in hotline */ ulong chan; /* color model */ #include "proto.h"