/* trap.c -- generate output for the trap test. See comments in lib/texmf.c for what each routine does. */ #define EXTERN extern #include "../mfd.h" /* No #ifdef for the whole file, because we always want to support this. */ /* This returns true if we can do window operations, else false. */ boolean mf_trap_initscreen () { return 1; } void mf_trap_updatescreen () { fputs ("Calling UPDATESCREEN\n", logfile); } void mf_trap_blankrectangle P4C(screencol, left, screencol, right, screenrow, top, screenrow, bottom) { fprintf (logfile, "\nCalling BLANKRECTANGLE(%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld)\n", (long)left, (long)right, (long)top, (long)bottom); } void mf_trap_paintrow P4C(screenrow, row, pixelcolor, init_color, transspec, transition_vector, screencol, vector_size) { unsigned k; fprintf (logfile, "Calling PAINTROW(%ld,%ld;", (long)row, (long)init_color); for (k = 0; k <= vector_size; k++) { fprintf (logfile, "%ld", (long)transition_vector[k]); if (k != vector_size) putc (',', logfile); } fputs (")\n", logfile); }