/*ident "@(#)cls4:src/size.c 1.4" */ /******************************************************************************* C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Copyright (c) 1993 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. size.c: initialize alignment and sizeof "constants" **********************************************************************/ #include "cfront.h" #include "size.h" int BI_IN_WORD = DBI_IN_WORD; int BI_IN_BYTE = DBI_IN_BYTE; int SZ_CHAR = DSZ_CHAR; int AL_CHAR = DAL_CHAR; int SZ_SHORT = DSZ_SHORT; int AL_SHORT = DAL_SHORT; int SZ_INT = DSZ_INT; int AL_INT = DAL_INT; int SZ_LONG = DSZ_LONG; int AL_LONG = DAL_LONG; int SZ_VLONG = DSZ_VLONG; int AL_VLONG = DAL_VLONG; int SZ_FLOAT = DSZ_FLOAT; int AL_FLOAT = DAL_FLOAT; int SZ_DOUBLE = DSZ_DOUBLE; int AL_DOUBLE = DAL_DOUBLE; int SZ_LDOUBLE = DSZ_LDOUBLE; int AL_LDOUBLE = DAL_LDOUBLE; int SZ_STRUCT = DSZ_STRUCT; int AL_STRUCT = DAL_STRUCT; //int SZ_FRAME = DSZ_FRAME; //int AL_FRAME = DAL_FRAME; int SZ_WORD = DSZ_WORD; int SZ_WPTR = DSZ_WPTR; int AL_WPTR = DAL_WPTR; int SZ_BPTR = DSZ_BPTR; int AL_BPTR = DAL_BPTR; //int SZ_TOP = DSZ_TOP; //int SZ_BOTTOM = DSZ_BOTTOM; char* LARGEST_INT = DLARGEST_INT; int F_SENSITIVE = DF_SENSITIVE; int F_OPTIMIZED = DF_OPTIMIZED; static int arg1 = 0; int get_line(FILE* fp, char *f) { char s[32]; char s2[32]; if (fscanf(fp,"%s ",s) == EOF) return 0; if (strcmp("DLARGEST_INT",s) == 0) { if (fscanf(fp," %s",s2)==EOF) return 0; //// get rid of quotes for(int i=0;i<=strlen(s2)+1;i++) if (s2[i]== '"') { for (int j=i;j<=strlen(s2)+1;j++) s2[j]=s2[j+1]; } } else if (fscanf(fp,"%d ",&arg1) == EOF) return 0; if (strcmp("DSZ_CHAR",s) == 0) { SZ_CHAR = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_CHAR",s) == 0) { AL_CHAR = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_SHORT",s) == 0) { SZ_SHORT = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_SHORT",s) == 0) { AL_SHORT = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_INT",s) == 0) { SZ_INT = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_INT",s) == 0) { AL_INT=arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DLARGEST_INT",s) == 0) { LARGEST_INT = new char[strlen(s2)+1]; strcpy(LARGEST_INT,s2); return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_LONG",s) == 0) { SZ_LONG = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_LONG",s) == 0) { AL_LONG = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_VLONG",s) == 0) { SZ_VLONG = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_VLONG",s) == 0) { AL_VLONG = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_FLOAT",s) == 0) { SZ_FLOAT = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_FLOAT",s) == 0) { AL_FLOAT = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_DOUBLE",s) == 0) { SZ_DOUBLE = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_DOUBLE",s) == 0) { AL_DOUBLE = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_LDOUBLE",s) == 0) { SZ_LDOUBLE = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_LDOUBLE",s) == 0) { AL_LDOUBLE = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DBI_IN_BYTE",s) == 0) { BI_IN_BYTE = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DBI_IN_WORD",s) == 0) { BI_IN_WORD= arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_STRUCT",s) == 0) { SZ_STRUCT = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_STRUCT",s) == 0) { AL_STRUCT = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DF_SENSITIVE",s) == 0) { F_SENSITIVE = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DF_OPTIMIZED",s) == 0) { F_OPTIMIZED = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("frame",s) == 0) { // SZ_FRAME = arg1; // AL_FRAME = arg2; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_WORD",s) == 0) { SZ_WORD = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_WPTR",s) == 0) { SZ_WPTR = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_WPTR",s) == 0) { AL_WPTR = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DSZ_BPTR",s) == 0) { SZ_BPTR = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("DAL_BPTR",s) == 0) { AL_BPTR = arg1; return 1; } if (strcmp("top",s) == 0) { // SZ_TOP = arg1; // SZ_BOTTOM = arg2; return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s unknown alignment name\n", f, s); return 0; } int read_align(char* f) { char* p = f; if (*p == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"size/align file missing\n"); ext(1); } FILE* fp = fopen(f,"r"); if (fp == 0) return 1; while (get_line(fp, f)) ; return 0; } /* print_align(char* s) { fprintf(stderr,"%s sizes and alignments\n\n",s); fprintf(stderr," size align largest\n"); fprintf(stderr,"char %d %d\n",SZ_CHAR,AL_CHAR); fprintf(stderr,"short %d %d\n",SZ_SHORT,AL_SHORT); fprintf(stderr,"int %d %d %s\n",SZ_INT,AL_INT,LARGEST_INT); fprintf(stderr,"long %d %d\n",SZ_LONG,AL_LONG); fprintf(stderr,"float %d %d\n",SZ_FLOAT,AL_FLOAT); fprintf(stderr,"double %d %d\n",SZ_DOUBLE,AL_DOUBLE); fprintf(stderr,"ldouble %d %d\n",SZ_LDOUBLE,AL_LDOUBLE); fprintf(stderr,"bptr %d %d\n",SZ_BPTR,AL_BPTR); fprintf(stderr,"wptr %d %d\n",SZ_WPTR,AL_WPTR); fprintf(stderr,"struct %d %d\n",SZ_STRUCT,AL_STRUCT); fprintf(stderr,"struct2 %d %d\n",F_SENSITIVE,F_OPTIMIZED); // fprintf(stderr,"frame %d %d\n",SZ_FRAME,AL_FRAME); fprintf(stderr,"%d bits in a byte, %d bits in a word, %d bytes in a word\n", BI_IN_BYTE, BI_IN_WORD, SZ_WORD); return 1; } */ int c_strlen(const char* s) /* return sizeof(s) with escapes processed sizeof("") == 1 the terminating 0 sizeof("a") == 2 sizeof("\0x") == 3 0 x 0 sizeof("\012") == 2 '\012' sizeof("\01") '\001' sizeof("\x") == 2 \ ignored */ { int i = 1; for (const char* p = s; *p; i++,p++) { if (*p == '\\') { // '\? switch (*++p) { case '0': switch (p[1]) { // '\01' or '\012' case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': break; default: continue; // '\0' } /* no break */ case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': // '\123' switch (*++p) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': switch (*++p) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': break; default: --p; } break; default: --p; break; } break; case '\n': // \newline doesn't count i--; break; } } } return i; }