/*ident "@(#)cls4:src/main.c 1.26" */ /******************************************************************************* C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Copyright (c) 1993 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. main.c: Initialize global environment Read argument line Start compilation Clean up and exit **************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "size.h" #include "cfront.h" #include "template.h" #ifdef LICENSE_MAN #include "sdelicense.h" #include "sdetoolnum.h" #endif char* prog_name = "< 05/05/94>>"; static char* prog_vers = "__cfront_version_303_xxxxxxxx"; char* src_file_name = ""; char* line_format = "\n# %d \"%s\"\n"; Block(Pchar) instfct; Block(Pchar) instdata; bit all_flag,alltc_flag,data_flag,ft_flag,none_flag; int noinst,nodatainst; #ifdef unix #include #ifdef TEST_SUITE #define INTERNAL2 126 #endif static void core_dump(int = 0) { if (error_count) fprintf(stderr,"%s: sorry, cannot recover from previous error\n", prog_name); else error('i',"bus error (or something nasty like that)"); #ifdef TEST_SUITE ext(INTERNAL2); #else ext(99); #endif } #endif Plist isf_list; Pstmt st_ilist; Pstmt st_dlist; Ptable sti_tbl; Ptable std_tbl; Plist stat_mem_list; int vtbl_opt = -1; // how to deal with vtbls: // -1 static and defined // 0 external and supposed to be defined elsewhere // 1 external and defined int debug_opt; static int gplus_opt; // -g to cc, overrides print optimization int ansi_opt; int strict_opt; // disallow features from the anachronism section // of the manual int warning_opt; // produce more warnings if set int dem_opt_local = 0; int dem_opt_mem = 0; int perf_opt=0; // Break link compatibility performance option // ** For now there is no option to turn this on int pt_opt; // it need pt instantiation mechanism int dtpt_opt=0; // if need pt instantiation mechanism int se_opt=0; // silent on errors if not instantiating bit stmtno = 0; int inline_opt; extern void simpl_init(); extern void typ_init(); extern void syn_init(); extern void lex_init(); extern void error_init(); char *st_name(char*); // generates names of static ctor, dtor callers, ptbl_vec Pname def_name; // first definition in file Pname pdef_name; // used with ptbl_vec if function is first definition int syn_count = 0; // to set conditional breakpoints to find particular expressions void run() /* run the appropriate stages */ { Pname n; templp = new templ_compilation; // canonical instance while (n=syn()) { int oerror_count=error_count; if (n == Pname(1)) continue; if (n->n_list) PERM(n->tp); DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"run: syn():%n%t base%k ll %d",n,n->tp,n->base,n->lex_level);); templp->instantiate_ref_templ(); for (Pname nx, nn=n; nn; nn=nx) { Pname rr; ++syn_count; nx = nn->n_list; nn->n_list = 0; DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"run dcl:%n%t base%k ll %d",nn,nn->tp,nn->base,nn->lex_level); if(Rdebug>=2)display_expr(nn,"nn"); ); if ( (rr=nn->dcl(gtbl,EXTERN))==0 || nn->base==0 || (error_count>oerror_count) ) continue; DB( if(Rdebug>=1) if(rr)error('d',"run rr:%n%t base%k ll %d",rr,rr->tp,rr->base,rr->lex_level); else error('d',"run rr: 0"); if(Rdebug>=2)display_expr(rr,"rr"); ); DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"run simpl:%n%t base%k ll %d",nn,nn->tp,nn->base,nn->lex_level);); nn->simpl(); if (error_count) { continue; } DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"run:print():%n (%k) tp%t",nn,nn->base,nn->tp);); if (nn->base != TNAME) { Ptype t = nn->tp->skiptypedefs(); switch (t->base) { case CLASS: // error('d',"main:C:%n; n_redefined: %d", nn, nn->n_redefined); DB( if(Rdebug>=1) fprintf(stderr," -- class\n");); if (vtbl_opt==1 || gplus_opt || nn->n_redefined == 1) nn->dcl_print(0); break; case ENUM: DB( if(Rdebug>=1) fprintf(stderr," -- enum\n");); Penum(nn->tp)->dcl_print(0); break; case FCT: DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d'," -- fct%n inline %d body %d",nn,Pfct(t)->f_inline,Pfct(t)->body);); if ( Pfct(t)->body==0 || ( debug_opt==0 && Pfct(t)->f_inline && ( n->n_table!=gtbl || strcmp(nn->string,"main") ) ) || Pfct(t)->f_imeasure && Pfct(t)->f_inline==0 ) break; DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"rr%n inline %d body %d",rr,Pfct(rr->tp)->f_inline,Pfct(rr->tp)->body);); rr->dcl_print(0); break; default: { // print class def, if appropriate // can't use tsizeof() since this may // print an error if class isn't defined DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d'," --%n tpbase:%k",nn,nn->tp->base);); for(Ptype tx = t;;) { switch ( tx->base ) { case VEC: tx=Pvec(tx)->typ; continue; case TYPE: case COBJ: tx=Pbase(tx)->b_name->tp; continue; case CLASS: { Pclass cl = Pclass(tx); if ( (cl->defined & (DEFINED|SIMPLIFIED)) && cl->c_body==1 ) cl->dcl_print(0); break; } } break; } nn->dcl_print(0); } } } else nn->dcl_print(0); if (error_count) continue; DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"run: cleanup");); if (nn->base==TNAME) continue; switch (nn->tp->base) { // clean up default: { Pexpr i = nn->n_initializer; DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"default nn%n i %d",nn,i);); if (i && i!=Pexpr(1)) { DEL(i); nn->n_initializer = 0; if (def_name==0 && rr->n_scope != STATIC) { def_name = rr; } } break; } case FCT: { if (nn->n_oper == CTOR) break; // at least for now, need the f_this Pfct f = Pfct(nn->tp); DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d', "function nn:%n local_class: %d %d", nn, local_class, f->local_class );); if (f->body && f->f_inline==0 && f->f_imeasure==0) { if ( local_class = f->local_class ) { delete_local(); local_class = 0; } if (ansi_opt && f->f_this) { f->f_this->n_table = 0; for (Pname n=f->f_this->n_list; n; n=n->n_list) n->n_table = 0; } DEL(f->body); if (def_name==0) { def_name = rr; } } break; } case CLASS: { Pclass cl = Pclass(nn->tp); for (Pname px, p=cl->mem_list; p; p=px) { px = p->n_list; p->n_list = 0; if (p->tp) { switch (p->tp->base) { case FCT: { Pfct f = (Pfct)p->tp; if (f->body && f->f_inline==0 && f->f_imeasure==0) { if ( local_class = f->local_class ) { delete_local(); local_class = 0; } DEL(f->body); f->body = 0; } } case CLASS: case ENUM: case TYPE: break; case COBJ: case EOBJ: DEL(p); break; default: delete p; } } else { delete p; } } // for cl->mem_list = 0; cl->permanent = 3; break; } } DEL(nn); Ntmp_dtor = 0; } lex_clear(); } templp->end_of_compilation() ; if (error_count) return; int i = 1; for (Pname m=gtbl->get_mem(i); m; NEXT_NAME(gtbl,m,i)) { if ( m->base==TNAME || m->n_sto==EXTERN || m->n_stclass == ENUM ) continue; Ptype t = m->tp; if (t == 0) continue; switch (t->base) { case CLASS: case ENUM: case OVERLOAD: continue; case COBJ: case VEC: break; case FCT: if (Pfct(t)->f_inline || Pfct(t)->body==0) continue; break; } //error('d',&m->where,"%n %d %d %s",m,m->n_addr_taken,m->n_used,m->n_sto==STATIC?"static":""); //xxx doesn't check anon union members as their use bits are set differently if ( m->n_addr_taken==0 && m->n_used==0 && m->n_sto == STATIC ) { // (static or anon?) for(;;) { //error('d',&m->where," %t tconst(): %d",t,t->tconst()); if(t->base==TYPE) { if(t->tconst()) break; t=Pbase(t)->b_name->tp; } else if(t->base==VEC) { t=Pvec(t)->typ; } else { if ( t->tconst() == 0 ) { //error('d',"m%n tp%t t%t",m,m->tp,t); if ( t->base != COBJ ) error('w',&m->where,"%n defined but not used",m); else { Pclass cl = Pclass(Pbase(t)->b_name->tp); if ( cl->has_ctor()==0 && cl->csu != ANON ) error('w',&m->where,"%n defined but not used",m); } } // if const break; } } // for } // if static and not used } Pname ctor = 0; Pname dtor = 0; --curloc.line; if (st_ilist) { // make an "init" function; // it calls all constructors for static objects DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"make sti"); ); Pname n = new name( st_name("__sti__") ); Pfct f = new fct(void_type,0,1); n->tp = f; f->body = new block(st_ilist->where,0,st_ilist); f->body->memtbl = sti_tbl; n->n_sto = EXTERN; ignore_const++; // assignments here are really initializations: f->f_linkage = linkage_C; f->sign(); (void) n->dcl(gtbl,EXTERN); ignore_const--; n->simpl(); n->dcl_print(0); ctor = n; } if (st_dlist) { // make a "done" function; // it calls all destructors for static objects DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"make std"); ); Pname n = new name( st_name("__std__") ); Pfct f = new fct(void_type,0,1); n->tp = f; f->body = new block(st_dlist->where,0,st_dlist); f->body->memtbl = std_tbl; n->n_sto = EXTERN; f->f_linkage = linkage_C; f->sign(); (void) n->dcl(gtbl,EXTERN); n->simpl(); n->dcl_print(0); dtor = n; } /*For fast load: make a static "__link" */ /* * plan 9: * always do it, since it doesn't interfere with munch * add arguments so it will type check */ if (ctor || dtor) { printf("static struct __linkl { struct __linkl * next;\n"); if ( ansi_opt ) printf("void (*ctor)(void); void (*dtor)(void); } __link = \n"); else printf("char (*ctor)(); char (*dtor)(); } __link = \n"); putstring("{ (struct __linkl *)0, "); if (ctor) ctor->print(); else putch('0'); putch(','); if (dtor) dtor->print(); else putch('0'); putstring("};\n"); } DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error( 'd', "run: vlist: %d", vlist ); ); do { for (vl* v = vlist; v; v = v->next) v->cl->really_print(v->vt); vlist = 0; for (Plist l=isf_list; l; l=l->l) { Pname n = l->f; Pfct f = Pfct(n->tp); DB( if(Rdebug>=1)error('d',"isf%n%t f %d addr %d",n,f,f,n->n_addr_taken); ); if (f->base == OVERLOAD) { n = Pgen(f)->fct_list->f; // first fct f = Pfct(n->tp); } if (debug_opt==0 && n->n_addr_taken) { f->f_inline = 0; if (n->n_dcl_printed<2) { if (f->fct_base == INSTANTIATED) current_fct_instantiation = f; if (warning_opt) error('w',"out-of-line copy of%n created",n); n->dcl_print(0); if (f->fct_base == INSTANTIATED) current_fct_instantiation = 0; } } } } while (vlist); if (strict_opt == 0) { // define static members // patch for SysV VAX -g linkage botch for (Plist l=stat_mem_list; l; l=l->l) { extern int ispt_data(Pname); Pname n = l->f; if (ispt_data(n)) continue; // error('d',"stat mem%n %d %d ",n,n->n_initializer,n->n_evaluated); if (n->n_initializer==0 && n->n_evaluated==0) { Ptype t = n->tp; n->n_sto = 0; Pname cn = t->is_cl_obj(); if (cn==0) cn = cl_obj_vec; if (cn && ((Pclass(cn->tp)->defined&(DEFINED|SIMPLIFIED))) ) { fake_sizeof=1; Loc oldloc=curloc; curloc=n->where; (void) t->tsizeof(); // be sure to print class curloc=oldloc; fake_sizeof=0; } //error('d',"t->is_ref() is %d",t->is_ref()); //error('d',"pclass(cn->tp)->has_ctor() is %d",Pclass(cn->tp)->has_ctor()); if ( cn && ( Pclass(cn->tp)->has_ctor() || t->is_ref() || ((Pclass(cn->tp)->defined&(DEFINED|SIMPLIFIED))==0) ) ) ; // force explicit definition else { if (n->tp->base==VEC && Pvec(n->tp)->size==0) ; // force explicit def else { Loc oldloc=curloc; curloc=n->where; fake_sizeof=1; n->dcl_print(0); fake_sizeof=0; curloc=oldloc; } } } } } i = 1; for (Pname nm=ptbl->get_mem(i); nm; NEXT_NAME(ptbl,nm,i)) { DB( if(Rdebug>=1) error('d',"ptbl anme %s string2 %s key:%k",nm->string==0?"???":nm->string2,nm->string2==0?"???":nm->string2,nm->n_key); ); if ( nm->n_key == 0 ) { // ptbl used in file, generate definition int str1 = (*src_file_name) ? strlen(src_file_name)+2 : 0; // +2 for __ int str2 = strlen(nm->string2) - str1; char *ps = new char[ str2 + 1 ]; strncpy( ps, nm->string2, str2 ); // grab vtbl name ps[str2]='\0'; ps[2] = 'v'; fprintf(out_file,"extern struct __mptr %s[];\n",ps); ptbl_add_pair(nm->string2,ps); delete ps; } } ptbl_init(1); curloc.putline(); fprintf(out_file,"\n/* the end */\n"); } void set_flags() { all_flag=0; alltc_flag=0; data_flag=0; ft_flag=0; none_flag=0; for (int i=0;i (*sick)(SIGILL,core_dump); (*sick)(SIGIOT,core_dump); (*sick)(SIGEMT,core_dump); (*sick)(SIGFPE,core_dump); (*sick)(SIGBUS,core_dump); (*sick)(SIGSEGV,core_dump); #endif #endif error_init(); #ifdef LICENSE_MAN sde_check_license("cfront",CFRONTNUM, 0); #endif for (int i=1; i */\n",src_file_name); fflush(stderr); otbl_init(); lex_init(); syn_init(); typ_init(); simpl_init(); ptbl_init(0); scan_started = 1; curloc.putline(); if ((BI_IN_BYTE==0) && (SZ_INT==0) && (SZ_WPTR==0)) error("no size/alignment values - use +x of provide #ifdef in size.h"); run(); exit( (0<=error_count && error_count<127) ? error_count : 127); } char* st_name(char* pref) /* make name "pref|source_file_name|_" or "pref|source_file_name|_" where non alphanumeric characters are replaced with '_' and add def_name at end to ensure uniqueness */ { int prefl = strlen(pref); int strl = prefl + 2; // trailing '_' and 0 if (*src_file_name) strl += strlen(src_file_name); char* defs; int defl; if (def_name) { defs = def_name->string; defl = strlen(defs)+1; // '_' } else { defs = 0; defl = 0; } char* name = new char[strl+defl]; strcpy(name,pref); if (*src_file_name) strcpy(name+prefl,src_file_name); name[strl-2] = '_'; name[strl-1] = 0; for (char* p = name; *p; p++) if (!isalpha(*p) && !isdigit(*p)) *p = '_'; if (defs) { strcpy(name+strl-1,defs); // after the '_' name[strl+defl-2] = '_'; name[strl+defl-1] = 0; } #ifdef DENSE void chop(char*); chop(name); #endif return name; }