/*ident "@(#)cls4:src/lex.c 1.14" */ /******************************************************************************* C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Copyright (c) 1993 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. lex.c: lexical analyser based on pcc's and cpre's scanners modified to handle classes: new keywords: class public call etc. names are not entered in the symbol table by lex() names can be of arbitrary length error() is used to report errors {} and () must match numeric constants are not converted into internal representation but stored as strings ****************************************************************************/ #include "cfront.h" #include "yystype.h" #include "size.h" #include "tqueue.h" #include "template.h" #include "Block.h" #include # define CCTRANS(x) x Blockdeclare(short) // static data members definition bool templ_compilation::in_progress=false; char* strdup(const char* s1) /* string duplication returns pointer to a new string which is the duplicate of string pointed to by s1 return 0 if new string can't be created */ { char * s2; s2 = new char[strlen(s1) + 1]; return(s2==0 ? 0 : strcpy(s2,s1) ); } #define copy_if_need_be(s) ((templp->in_progress || templp->parameters_in_progress) ? strdup(s) : (s)) /* lexical actions */ #define A_ERR 0 /* illegal character */ #define A_LET 1 /* saw a letter */ #define A_DIG 2 /* saw a digit */ #define A_1C 3 /* return a single character */ #define A_STR 4 /* string */ #define A_CC 5 /* character constant */ #define A_BCD 6 /* GCOS BCD constant */ #define A_SL 7 /* saw a / */ #define A_DOT 8 /* saw a . */ #define A_2C 9 /* possible two character symbol */ #define A_WS 10 /* whitespace (not \n) */ #define A_NL 11 /* \n */ #define A_LC 12 /* { */ #define A_RC 13 /* } */ #define A_L 14 /* ( */ #define A_R 15 /* ) */ #define A_EOF 16 #define A_ASS 17 #define A_LT 18 #define A_GT 19 /* > */ #define A_ER 20 #define A_OR 21 #define A_AND 22 #define A_MOD 23 #define A_NOT 24 #define A_MIN 25 #define A_MUL 26 #define A_PL 27 #define A_COL 28 /* : */ #define A_SHARP 29 /* # */ #define A_DOLL 30 /* $ */ /* character classes */ # define LEXLET 01 # define LEXDIG 02 /* no LEXOCT because 8 and 9 used to be octal digits */ # define LEXHEX 010 # define LEXWS 020 # define LEXDOT 040 const int FIRSTCHUNK = 8*1024-8; const int BUFCHUNK = 4*1024-8; /* text buffer */ static char inbuf[FIRSTCHUNK/*TBUFSZ*/]; static char* txtmax = &inbuf[FIRSTCHUNK/*TBUFSZ*/-1]; static char* txtstart = 0; static char* txtfree = 0; static struct buf* bufhead; static buf* freebuf; //static bufs; static struct loc tloc; struct buf { buf* next; char chars[BUFCHUNK]; // buf() { next=bufhead; bufhead=this; } }; int new_buf(char c) { //fprintf(stderr,"new_buf %d\n",bufs++); buf* pbuf; if (freebuf) { pbuf = freebuf; freebuf = freebuf->next; } else pbuf = new buf; // allocate and register new chunk pbuf->next = bufhead; bufhead = pbuf; if (BUFCHUNK < txtmax-txtstart) error('l',&tloc,"lexical token too long"); // copy current token: char* p = txtstart; txtstart = txtfree = &pbuf->chars[0]; while (pchars[BUFCHUNK-1]; return 0; } #define pch(c) ((txtmax<=txtfree)?new_buf(c):(*txtfree++=c)) #define start_txt() txtstart = txtfree #define del_txt() txtfree = txtstart static int Nfile;// = 1; static Block(Pchar) file_name; // source file names // file_name[0] == src_file_name // file_name[0] == 0 means stdin static int tcurr_file; // current index in file_name Linkage linkage = linkage_default; // linkage is default C++ const int LINKMAX = 10; static Linkage lvec[LINKMAX] = { linkage_default }; static int lcount = 0; void set_linkage(char* p) { if (p==0 || *p == 0) { // resume previous linkage if (lcount>0) linkage = lvec[--lcount]; } else { if (LINKMAX<=++lcount) { error('l',"linkage directive nested too deep"); --lcount; } else if (strcmp(p,"C")==0) lvec[lcount] = linkage = linkage_C; else if (strcmp(p,"C++")==0) lvec[lcount] = linkage = linkage_Cplusplus; else { error("%s linkage",p); --lcount; } } } FILE * out_file = stdout; static FILE * in_file = stdin; FILE * pt_file; FILE * dtpt_file; static bit doneflag=0; int first_file=0; static Ptable keyword_table; static int p_level = 0; /* number of unmatched ``(''s */ static int b_level = 0; /* number of unmatched ``{''s */ # ifdef ibm # define CSMASK 0377 # define CSSZ 256 # else # define CSMASK 0177 # define CSSZ 128 # endif static short lxmask[CSSZ+1]; int saved = 0; /* putback character, avoid ungetchar */ static int lxtitle(); // overload rt; inline YYSTYPE rt(char* x) { YYSTYPE y; y.s = x; return y; } inline YYSTYPE rt(int x) { YYSTYPE y; y.t = x; return y; } inline YYSTYPE rt(loc x) { YYSTYPE y; y.l = x; return y; } //inline YYSTYPE rt(void* x) { YYSTYPE y; y.pn = Pname(x); return y; } #ifdef DBG #define get(zzz) (saved?error('i',&tloc,"getting twice: %d %c, lex.c line %d",saved,saved,__LINE__):0,zzz=getc(in_file)) #else #define get(c) (c=getc(in_file)) #endif #define get1(c) (saved?(c=saved,saved=0,c):(c=getc(in_file))) #define unget(zzz) {if(saved)error('i',&tloc,"unget: saved==%c",saved); saved = zzz; } #define backup() (ungetc(saved,in_file), saved = 0) #define reti(a,b) { addtok(a, rt(b), tloc); return a; } #define retn(a,b) { addtok(a, rt((Pnode)b), tloc); return a; } #define rets(a,b) { addtok(a, rt(b), tloc); return a; } #define retl(a) { addtok(a, rt(tloc), tloc); return a; } // keys[] holds the external form for tokens with fixed representation // illegal tokens and those with variable representation have 0 entries char* keys[MAXTOK+1]; static void new_key(char* s, TOK toknum, TOK yyclass) /* make "s" a new keyword with the representation (token) "toknum" "yyclass" is the yacc token (for example new_key("int",INT,TYPE); ) "yyclass==0" means yyclass=toknum; */ { Pname n = new name(s); keys[(toknum==LOC)?yyclass:toknum] = s; // n = new name(s); Pname nn = keyword_table->insert(n,0); // if (Nold) error('i',&tloc,"keyword %sD twice",s); nn->base = toknum; nn->syn_class = (yyclass) ? yyclass : toknum; delete n; } const int keyword_count = 67; static void ktbl_init() /* enter keywords into keyword table for use by lex() and into keyword representation table used for output */ { keyword_table = new table(keyword_count,0,0); new_key("asm",ASM,0); new_key("auto",AUTO,TYPE); new_key("break",LOC,BREAK); new_key("case",LOC,CASE); new_key("continue",LOC,CONTINUE); new_key("char",CHAR,TYPE); new_key("do",LOC,DO); new_key("double",DOUBLE,TYPE); new_key("default",LOC,DEFAULT); new_key("enum",ENUM,0); new_key("else",LOC,ELSE); new_key("extern",EXTERN,TYPE); new_key("float",FLOAT,TYPE); new_key("for",LOC,FOR); new_key("goto",LOC,GOTO); new_key("if",LOC,IF); new_key("int",INT,TYPE); new_key("long",LONG,TYPE); new_key("return",LOC,RETURN); new_key("register",REGISTER,TYPE); new_key("static",STATIC,TYPE); new_key("struct",STRUCT,AGGR); new_key("sizeof",SIZEOF,0); new_key("short",SHORT,TYPE); new_key("switch",LOC,SWITCH); new_key("typedef",TYPEDEF,TYPE); new_key("unsigned",UNSIGNED,TYPE); new_key("union",UNION,AGGR); new_key("void",VOID,TYPE); new_key("while",LOC,WHILE); new_key("catch",CATCH,CATCH); new_key("class",CLASS,AGGR); new_key("const",CONST,TYPE); new_key("delete",LOC,DELETE); new_key("friend",FRIEND,TYPE); new_key("inline",INLINE,TYPE); new_key("namespace",NAMESPACE,NAMESPACE); new_key("mutable",MUTABLE,MUTABLE); new_key("new",NEW,0); new_key("operator",OPERATOR,0); new_key("overload",OVERLOAD,TYPE); new_key("private",PRIVATE,PR); new_key("protected",PROTECTED,PR); new_key("public",PUBLIC,PR); new_key("signed",SIGNED,TYPE); new_key("template",TEMPLATE,0); new_key("this",THIS,0); new_key("throw",THROW,THROW); new_key("try",TRY,TRY); new_key("using",USING,USING); new_key("virtual",VIRTUAL,TYPE); new_key("volatile",VOLATILE,TYPE); } loc last_line; loc noloc = { 0, 0 }; void loc::putline() { if (file==0 && line==0) return; if ( 0<=file && file <= Nfile ) { char* f = file_name[file]; if (f==0) f = src_file_name; fprintf(out_file,line_format,line,f); last_line = *this; } } void loc::put(FILE* p) { int l; char cwd[4096]; // plan9: reduce chatter in error messages ::getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); l = strlen(cwd); if ( 0<=file && file <= Nfile ) { char* f = file_name[file]; if (f==0) f = src_file_name; if(strncmp(f, cwd, l) == 0) f += l+1; fprintf(p,"%s:%d ",f,line); } } char* curr_filename() { return (file_name[curloc.file]); } void lxenter(register char* s, short m) /* enter a mask into lxmask */ { register int c; while( c= *s++ ) lxmask[c+1] |= m; } void lxget(register int c, register int m) /* put 'c' back then scan for members of character class 'm' terminate the string read with \0 txtfree points to the character position after that \0 */ { pch(c); if ( (get1(c), lxmask[c+1]&m) ) { pch(c); while ( (get(c), lxmask[c+1]&m) ) pch(c); } unget(c); pch('\0'); } static struct LXDOPE { short lxch; /* the character */ short lxact; /* the action to be performed */ TOK lxtok; /* the token number to be returned */ } lxdope[] = { #ifdef apollo '@', A_ERR, 0, /* illegal characters go here... */ #else '$', A_DOLL, 0, // '$', A_ERR, 0, /* illegal characters go here... */ #endif '_', A_LET, 0, /* letters point here */ '0', A_DIG, 0, /* digits point here */ ' ', A_WS, 0, /* whitespace goes here */ '\n', A_NL, 0, '"', A_STR, 0, /* character string */ '\'', A_CC, 0, /* ASCII character constant */ '`', A_BCD, 0, /* 'foreign' character constant, e.g. BCD */ '(', A_L, LP, ')', A_R, RP, '{', A_LC, LC, '}', A_RC, RC, '[', A_1C, LB, ']', A_1C, RB, '*', A_MUL, MUL, '?', A_1C, QUEST, ':', A_COL, COLON, '+', A_PL, PLUS, '-', A_MIN, MINUS, '/', A_SL, DIV, '%', A_MOD, MOD, '&', A_AND, AND, '|', A_OR, OR, '^', A_ER, ER, '!', A_NOT, NOT, '~', A_1C, COMPL, ',', A_1C, CM, ';', A_1C, SM, '.', A_DOT, DOT, '<', A_LT, LT, '>', A_GT, GT, '=', A_ASS, ASSIGN, '#', A_SHARP, 0, EOF, A_EOF, EOFTOK }; /* note: EOF is used as sentinel, so must be <=0 and last entry in table */ static struct LXDOPE *lxcp[CSSZ+1]; void lex_init() { register struct LXDOPE *p; register int i; register char *cp; /* set up character classes */ /* first clear lexmask */ for(i=0; i<=CSSZ; i++) lxmask[i] = 0; #ifdef apollo lxenter( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_$", LEXLET ); #else lxenter( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_", LEXLET ); #endif lxenter( "0123456789", LEXDIG ); lxenter( "0123456789abcdefABCDEF", LEXHEX ); /* \013 should become \v someday; \013 is OK for ASCII and EBCDIC */ lxenter( " \t\r\b\f\013", LEXWS ); lxmask['.'+1] |= LEXDOT; /* make lxcp point to appropriate lxdope entry for each character */ /* initialize error entries */ for( i= 0; i<=CSSZ; ++i ) lxcp[i] = lxdope; /* make unique entries */ for( p=lxdope; ; ++p ) { lxcp[p->lxch+1] = p; if( p->lxch < 0 ) break; } /* handle letters, digits, and whitespace */ /* by convention, first, second, and third places */ cp = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; while( *cp ) lxcp[*cp++ + 1] = &lxdope[1]; cp = "123456789"; while( *cp ) lxcp[*cp++ + 1] = &lxdope[2]; cp = "\t\b\r\f\013"; while( *cp ) lxcp[*cp++ + 1] = &lxdope[3]; file_name.reserve(0); file_name[0] = src_file_name; // set both curloc and tloc so curloc is valid at program startup // curloc.file = tloc.file = 0; curloc.line = tloc.line = 1; ktbl_init(); lex_clear(); saved = lxtitle(); } void lex_clear() { // delete extra buffers: buf* p = bufhead; bufhead = 0; //if (p) { //fprintf(stderr,"lex_clear\n"); //bufs=0; //} while (p) { buf* pp = p; p = p->next; pp->next = freebuf; freebuf = pp; } // re-set to static buffer: txtstart = txtfree = inbuf; txtmax = &inbuf[FIRSTCHUNK/*TBUFSZ*/-1]; } int int_val(char hex) { switch (hex) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return hex-'0'; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': return hex-'a'+10; case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': return hex-'A'+10; } error('i', "fall off end of int_val()"); return 0; } void hex_to_oct() /* \x has been seen on input (in char const or string) and \ printed read the following hexadecimal integer and replace it with an octal */ { int i = 0; int c; get1(c); if (lxmask[c+1] & LEXHEX) { i = int_val(c); get(c); // try for two if (lxmask[c+1] & LEXHEX) { i = (i<<4) + int_val(c); get(c); // try for three if (lxmask[c+1] & LEXHEX) i = (i<<4) + int_val(c); else unget(c); } else unget(c); } else { error(&tloc,"hexadecimal digitE after \\x"); unget(c); } // if (0377 < i) error('l',&tloc,"hexadecimal constant too large"); i &= 0377; pch(('0'+(i>>6))); pch(('0'+((i&070)>>3))); pch(('0'+(i&7))); } char * chconst() /* read a character constant into inbuf */ { register int c; int nch = 0; pch('\''); for(;;) { char* p; char cc = 0; get1(c); switch (c) { case '\'': goto ex; case EOF: error(&tloc,"eof in char constant"); goto ex; case '\n': error(&tloc,"newline in char constant"); goto ex; case '\\': if (SZ_INT == nch++) error('l',&tloc,"char constant too long"); pch(c); switch (get(c)){ case '\n': ++tloc.line; default: pch(c); break; case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': // octal p = txtfree; cc = c-4; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': pch(c); get(c); /* try for 2 */ if( lxmask[c+1] & LEXDIG && c<'8'){ pch(c); get(c); /* try for 3 */ if (lxmask[c+1] & LEXDIG && c<'8') { if (cc) *p = cc; // zap high bit pch(c); } else unget(c); } else unget(c); break; case 'x': // hexadecimal hex_to_oct(); break; }; break; default: if (SZ_INT == nch++) error('l',&tloc,"char constant too long"); pch(c); } } ex: if(nch==0) error(&tloc,"empty char constant"); pch('\''); pch('\0'); return txtstart; } void lxcom() /* process a "block comment" */ { register int c; get1(c); for(;;get(c)) { xx: switch (c) { case EOF: error('w',&tloc,"eof in comment"); return; case '\n': tloc.line++; // Nline++; break; case '*': if (get(c) == '/') return; goto xx; case '/': if (get(c) == '*') { error('w',&tloc,"``/*'' in comment"); if (get(c) == '/') return; } goto xx; } } } void linecom() // process a "line comment" { register int c; get1(c); #ifdef DBG if ( c=='@' && get(c)=='!' ) { while ( get(c) != '\n' && c != EOF ) pch(c); pch('\0'); process_debug_flags(txtstart); del_txt(); } #endif for(;;get(c)) switch (c) { case EOF: error('w',&tloc,"eof in comment"); return; case '\n': tloc.line++; // Nline++; saved = lxtitle(); return; } } char eat_whitespace() { register int c; get1(c); for(;;) { lx: switch (c) { case EOF: error('w',&tloc,"unexpected comment"); return EOF; case '/': switch (get(c)) { case '*': lxcom(); break; case '/': linecom(); break; default: if( c == EOF ) error(&tloc,"eof after /"); else { unget(c); backup(); } return '/'; } get1(c); goto lx; case '\n': ++tloc.line; c = lxtitle(); goto lx; case ' ': case '\t': break; default: return c; } get(c); } } void get_string() { int lxchar; for(;;) switch (get1(lxchar)) { case '\\': pch('\\'); switch (get(lxchar)){ case '\n': ++tloc.line; default: pch(lxchar); break; case 'x': // hexadecimal hex_to_oct(); break; }; break; case '"': { char* p = txtstart; // eat_whitespace() moves txtstart if ((lxchar = eat_whitespace()) == '"') { // string catenation, break with // newline to avoid merging characters // (e.g. "\xAB" "C") pch('\\'); pch('\n'); continue; // eat '\"' and carry on }; txtstart = p; unget(lxchar); pch(0); return; } case '\n': error(&tloc,"newline in string"); pch(0); return; case EOF: error(&tloc,"eof in string"); pch(0); return; default: pch(lxchar); } } TOK tlex() { TOK ret; Pname n; // Ntoken++; for(;;) { register int lxchar; register struct LXDOPE *p; start_txt(); get1(lxchar); if (lxchar+1 >= CSSZ ) error( "illegal input character encountered: %d", lxchar ); switch( (p=lxcp[lxchar+1])->lxact ){ case A_1C: // eat up a single character, and return an opcode reti(p->lxtok,p->lxtok); case A_EOF: if (p_level || b_level+lcount) error(&tloc,"'%s' missing at end of input",(b_level+lcount) ? "}" : ")"); reti(EOFTOK,0); case A_SHARP: // cope with header file not ended with '\n' unget('#'); saved = lxtitle(); continue; case A_ERR: { if (' '<=lxchar && lxchar<='~') // ASCII printable error(&tloc,"illegal character '%c' (ignored)",lxchar); else error(&tloc,"illegal character%o (ignored)",lxchar); continue; } case A_DOLL: { // lex a name of the for $id for template tree formals /* SBL: can remove all this: restore to previous */ // Pname fn ; // lxget( lxchar, LEXLET|LEXDIG ) ; // if (!templp->in_progress || !txtstart[1]) { // no name string immediately follows, treat it // like an illegal character error(&tloc,"illegal character%o (ignored)",lxchar); continue; // } /* SBL: remove txtstart++ ; if(fn=templ_compilation::tree_parameter(txtstart)) { switch (fn->n_template_arg) { case template_expr_tree_formal: // retain the $ in the name retn(ID, strdup(--txtstart)) ; case template_stmt_tree_formal: retn(SM_PARAM, fn) ; } } error(&tloc,"%s wasn't a statement or expression formal", txtstart); rets(ID, copy_if_need_be(txtstart)); */ } case A_LET: // collect an identifier and check for keyword { char ll; switch (ll = lxchar) { // case 'l': case 'L': switch (get(lxchar)) { case '\'': error('s',&tloc,"wide character constant"); unget(lxchar); continue; case '"': error('s',&tloc,"wide character string"); unget(lxchar); continue; } unget(lxchar); lxchar = ll; } } lxget( lxchar, LEXLET|LEXDIG ); /* look for a keyword or a global type */ if ( n = keyword_table->look(txtstart,0) ) /* keyword */ { TOK x; switch (x=n->base) { case TNAME: del_txt(); error('i',&tloc,"TN%n in keyword_table",n); break; //rets(ID,n->string); case LOC: del_txt(); retl(n->syn_class); case EXTERN: del_txt(); if ((lxchar = eat_whitespace()) == '\"') { // linkage directive get_string(); rets(LINKAGE,txtstart); } unget(lxchar); reti(TYPE,EXTERN); case CATCH: del_txt(); { static bit warned = 0; if ( warned == 0 ) { error('s',&tloc,"%k",x); warned = 1; } } reti(n->syn_class,x); case THROW: del_txt(); { static bit warned = 0; if ( warned == 0 ) { error('s',&tloc,"%k",x); warned = 1; } } reti(n->syn_class,x); case TRY: del_txt(); { static bit warned = 0; if ( warned == 0 ) { error('s',&tloc,"%k",x); warned = 1; } } reti(n->syn_class,x); case MUTABLE: { static bit warned = 0; if ( warned == 0 ) { error('w',&tloc,"%k is a future reserved keyword",n->syn_class); warned = 1; } } rets(ID, copy_if_need_be(txtstart)); case NAMESPACE: { static bit warned = 0; if ( warned == 0 ) { error('w',&tloc,"%k is a future reserved keyword",n->syn_class); warned = 1; } } rets(ID, copy_if_need_be(txtstart)); case USING: { static bit warned = 0; if ( warned == 0 ) { error('w',&tloc,"%k is a future reserved keyword",n->syn_class); warned = 1; } } rets(ID, copy_if_need_be(txtstart)); default: del_txt(); reti(n->syn_class,x); } } // rets(ID,txtstart); rets(ID, copy_if_need_be(txtstart)) ; case A_DIG: ret = ICON; if (lxchar=='0') { int pkchar; get(pkchar); if(pkchar=='x' || pkchar=='X') { // hex pch(lxchar); lxget(pkchar,LEXHEX); txtfree--; if (txtfree-txtstart<3) // minimum "0Xd\0" error(&tloc,"hex digitX after \"0x\""); get1(lxchar); goto getsuffix; } unget(pkchar); } lxget(lxchar,LEXDIG); txtfree--; if (get1(lxchar) == '.') { getfp: lxget('.', LEXDIG ); txtfree--; ret = FCON; get1(lxchar); }; if (lxchar=='e' || lxchar=='E') { pch(lxchar); get(lxchar); if(lxchar=='-' || lxchar=='+') { pch(lxchar); get(lxchar); } if (lxmask[lxchar+1] & LEXDIG) { lxget( lxchar, LEXDIG ); txtfree--; get1(lxchar); } else error(&tloc,"missing exponent digits?"); ret = FCON; }; if(*txtstart=='0' && ret==ICON) { char *bch = txtstart; while (++bch <= txtfree) { if(*bch=='8' || *bch=='9') error(&tloc,"%c used as octal digit",*bch); } } getsuffix: switch (lxchar) { case 'f': case 'F': if (ret==ICON) error(&tloc,"%c suffix for integer constant",lxchar); else pch(lxchar); break; case 'u': case 'U': if (ret==FCON) { error(&tloc,"%c suffix for floating constant",lxchar); break; } pch(lxchar); switch(get(lxchar)) { case 'l': case 'L': pch(lxchar); break; default: saved=lxchar; break; } break; case 'l': case 'L': pch(lxchar); if (ret==FCON) { break; } switch(get(lxchar)) { case 'u': case 'U': pch(lxchar); break; default: saved=lxchar; break; } break; default: saved = lxchar; break; }; if(*txtstart=='0' && txtfree-txtstart==1) reti(ZERO,0); // plain zero pch(0); rets(ret,txtstart); case A_DOT: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '.': // look for ellipsis if (get(lxchar) != '.') { error(&tloc,"token .. ?"); saved = lxchar; } reti(ELLIPSIS,0); case '*': reti (REFMUL,DOT); } if (lxmask[lxchar+1] & LEXDIG){// look for floating constant unget(lxchar); goto getfp; } saved = lxchar; reti(DOT,0); case A_STR: /* save string constant in buffer */ get_string(); rets(STRING,txtstart); case A_CC: /* character constant */ rets(CCON,chconst()); case A_BCD: { register int i; int j; pch('`'); for (i=0; i<7; ++i) { pch(get(j)); if (j == '`' ) break; } pch(0); if (6': switch (get(lxchar)) { case '=': reti(ASOP,ASRS); break; default: saved = lxchar; reti(SHIFTOP,RS); } case '=': reti(RELOP,GE); default: saved = lxchar; reti(GT,GT); } case A_LT: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '<': switch (get(lxchar)) { case '=': reti(ASOP,ASLS); default: saved = lxchar; reti(SHIFTOP,LS); } case '=': reti(RELOP,LE); default: saved = lxchar; reti(LT,LT); } case A_AND: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '&': reti(ANDAND,ANDAND); case '=': reti(ASOP,ASAND); default: saved = lxchar; reti(AND,AND); } case A_OR: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '|': reti(OROR,OROR); case '=': reti(ASOP,ASOR); default: saved = lxchar; reti(OR,OR); } case A_ER: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '=': reti(ASOP,ASER); default: saved = lxchar; reti(ER,ER); } case A_PL: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '=': reti(ASOP,ASPLUS); case '+': reti(ICOP,INCR); default: saved = lxchar; reti(PLUS,PLUS); } case A_MIN: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '=': reti(ASOP,ASMINUS); case '-': reti(ICOP,DECR); case '>': if (get(lxchar) == '*') {reti(REFMUL,REF);} else saved = lxchar; reti(REF,REF); default: saved = lxchar; reti(MINUS,MINUS); } case A_MUL: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '=': reti(ASOP,ASMUL); case '/': error('w',&tloc,"*/ not as end of comment"); default: saved = lxchar; reti(MUL,MUL); } case A_MOD: switch (get(lxchar)) { case '=': reti(ASOP,ASMOD); default: saved = lxchar; reti(DIVOP,MOD); } default: {error('i',&tloc,"lex act==%d getc()->%d",p,lxchar);} } error('i',&tloc,"lex, main switch"); } } int lxtitle() /* called after a newline; set linenumber and file name */ { register int c; for(;;) { get1(c); switch (c) { default: // e.g. not '\n', not '#' return c; case '\n': tloc.line++; // Nline++; ll: break; case '#': /* # lineno "filename" */ { int cl = tloc.line; tloc.line = 0; for(;;) switch (get(c)) { case '"': start_txt(); for(;;) switch (get(c)) { case '"': pch('\0'); while (get(c) != '\n') ; // skip to eol.. ignore anything more if (*txtstart) { // stack file name char* fn; if ( (fn=file_name[tcurr_file]) && (strcmp(txtstart,fn)==0) ) { //new line, same file: ignore } else { // first look back in the stack int found = 0; int findex = Nfile; for (; findex >= 0; findex--) { if ( findex == tcurr_file ) continue; fn = file_name[findex]; if (fn != 0 && strcmp(txtstart,fn)==0) { found = 1; tcurr_file = findex; break; } } if (found == 0) { // not an old file; push char* p = new char[txtfree-txtstart+1]; (void) strcpy(p,txtstart); tcurr_file = ++Nfile; file_name.reserve(Nfile); file_name[Nfile] = p; } } } else { // no name .. back to the original .c file: "" tcurr_file = 0; } del_txt(); tloc.file = tcurr_file; if (dtpt_opt && doneflag==0) { first_file=0;//tcurr_file; doneflag=1; } goto ll; case '\n': error(&tloc,"unexpected end of line on '# line'"); default: pch(c); } case ' ': break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': tloc.line = tloc.line*10+c-'0'; break; case 'l': // look for "#line ..." and then ignore "line" if (get(c)=='i' && get(c)=='n' && get(c)=='e') break; case '\n': tloc.putline(); goto ll; default: // pass #rubbish through tloc.line = cl; pch('#'); pch(c); while (get(c) != '\n') pch(c); pch('\0'); fprintf(out_file,"\n%s\n",txtstart); start_txt(); tloc.line++; // Nline++; goto ll; } } } } }