LaTeX installation instructions for emTeX 31 December 1997 SUMMARY ======= This file contains instructions on how to install LaTeX for emTeX on DOS; users of emTeX on OS/2 have to make the standard small changes, e. g. using `.cmd' instead of `.bat'. Before reading this file, you should read install.txt, which explains how the LaTeX installation works. These instructions assume you are using the current release of the emTeX distribution with its standard directory setup. If your systems setup is different from the emTeX standard, we hope you are familiar enough with your system to deviate from these instructions where necessary. This file describes: * How to unpack the LaTeX distribution. * How to install the LaTeX files. * How to create the LaTeX format file. UNPACKING THE DISTRIBUTION ========================== To unpack the LaTeX distribution, change to a directory created for installation use (e. g. c:\install, c:\latexnew). Run iniTeX on the file unpack.ins, which - using emTeX - means to use the /i option. So at the command line type: tex /i unpack.ins or (if you use big versions like tex386.exe) tex386 /i unpack.ins PUTTING THE UNPACKED FILES TO WHERE LATEX FINDS THEM ==================================================== Move the unpacked files to a directory, where LaTeX can find them, which in the standard emTeX directory structure is emTeX\texinput\latex2e The files to be moved are latexbug.tex testpage.tex docstrip.tex and all files with the extensions *.cls *.clo *.sty *.fd *.def *.cfg If you use the Makeindex program, move the *.ist files to the makeindex input directory, usually emtex\idxstyle. CREATING THE LATEX FORMAT FILE ============================== To create the LaTeX format file, change to the directory emtex\texfmts or emtex\btexfmts (respectively) and run iniTeX, e. g. tex /i or tex386 /i (respectively) on the file latex.ltx to create the format file latex.fmt. HINTS AND TIPS ============== To ease creation of a format file, the emTeX distribution now contains the program makefmt. Please, refer to the emTeX distribution documentation for information about how to use makefmt. To check, if the latex installation works, run laTeX on the file ltxcheck.ltx. This should produce a number of `OK' messages. If it produces any warnings, please consult the `problems' section of the file install.txt. MEMORY PROBLEMS =============== If you still use an old release of emTeX or a PC with a CPU lower than 80386, you will have to increase the part of memory known as `string characters' or as `pool size'. Set it to its maximum value by using the option /mp:65550 either on the command line or in the EMTEXOPT variable. You may be able to compensate this increase by reducing the amount of memory needed for `font info', using the option /mf: '. When using several packages, or when processing complex documents, especially when they contain lots of cross references, citations etc., you may run out of the part of memory known as `multiletter control sequences' or as `hash table'. The only real cure for this problem is to get a recent version of emTeX. ---Contributed by: Heinz Kusznier <> ---Copyright 1997 by Heinz Kusznier and the LaTeX3 project--- --- All rights reserved ---