LaTeX Distribution Guide

			   1 December 1996


This file contains a brief distribution guide for the new standard
version of the LaTeX document preparation system.

This system is maintained by The LaTeX3 Project Team.

      * Please read this file carefully because it gives *
      * important information about other documentation *
      * provided with the LaTeX system that will help you *
      * in installing and using it. *

      * The files ltnews06.tex and both contain *
      * the latest LaTeX newsletter. *
      * *
      * Please print it and distribute it to all users ... *
      * and to anyone else who may be interested. *
      * *
      * *
      * It fits onto a single sheet, so it can be displayed *
      * as a poster. *

The LaTeX system is described in:

 * LaTeX: A Document Preparation System; Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley

 * The LaTeX Companion, Goossens; Mittelbach and Samarin, Addison-Wesley

This distribution is described in the files ending with .txt. You
should read install.txt before starting to install LaTeX.

Here is a brief description of some of these files:

 * 00readme.txt is this file.

 * manifest.txt lists all the files in the LaTeX distribution
   with one line information about their contents.

 * install.txt describes how to install LaTeX.

 * tex2.txt contains important information for users of old versions
   of TeX (pre 1990).

 * autoload.txt contains important information for users of older
   computers with limited memory.

 * unpacked.txt lists all the files in the unpacked LaTeX distribution.

 * legal.txt describes the LaTeX copyright, warranty and copying

 * patches.txt describes the update policy and how important changes
   will be distributed between release dates.

 * texpert.txt contains information about the installation that is
   useful for TeX experts.

 * bugs.txt describes how to submit a bug report for LaTeX.

Other documentation files include files with names of the form:


You will probably need to update your system before you can typeset
these files. Each file needs three LaTeX runs.

The following files also contain useful information:

 * ltx3info.tex gives you some information about the LaTeX3 project.

 * manual.err lists errata in:
   LaTeX: A Document Preparation System; Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley

 * compan.err lists errata in:
   The LaTeX Companion; Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, Addison-Wesley

 * begleit.err lists errata in:
   Der LaTeX-Begleiter; Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, Addison-Wesley

You are not allowed to change the files in this distribution unless
you rename them, *except* for certain files such as the configuration
files, ending with .cfg.

Please do not request updates from us. Distribution is done only
through the CTAN archives.

--- Copyright 1997 the LaTeX3 project. All rights reserved ---