The Cyrillic fonts

  The latest version of the "babel" package supports the Russian
  language. In order to be able to use the "russian" option correctly
  someone must have the correct fonts properly installed.
  The "russian" option needs the LH fonts, created by Olga Lapko from
  CYRTuG. These fonts can be found on CTAN in the directory
  /tex-archive/fonts/LH. The metafont sources are written in such a
  way that it is possible to create foints with different encoding
  vectors from them. The fonts that Babel needs should be in the LWN
  encoding; their names start with wn; The easiest way of rpoducing
  them is to use the following perl script to create a full set of
  `driver' files.


$command = "ls lh*.mf";

open (LIST, "$command |");
while (<LIST>) {
  $lhname = $wnname=$_;
  $wnname =~ s/lh/wn/;
  print $wnname, "\n";
  open (FILE, ">$wnname");
  print FILE "wncoding:=1;\ninput $lhname;\n";
  close (FILE);

  July 4, 1996

  Johannes Braams