#include #include #include #include typedef struct Convert Convert; struct Convert { char *name; char *cmd; char *truecmd; /* cmd for true color */ }; enum { Ipic, Itiff, Ijpeg, Igif, Iinferno, Ifax, Icvt2pic, Iplan9bm, Iccittg4, Ippm, Ipng, Iyuv, Ibmp, Iico, Itga, Ipdf, Ips, Idvi, Ims, Iroff, }; /* * N.B. These commands need to read stdin if %a is replaced * with an empty string. */ Convert cvt[] = { [Ipic] { "plan9", "fb/3to1 rgbv %a |fb/pcp -tplan9" }, [Itiff] { "tiff", "fb/tiff2pic %a | fb/3to1 rgbv | fb/pcp -tplan9" }, [Iplan9bm] { "plan9bm", "cat %a", "cat %a" }, [Ijpeg] { "jpeg", "jpg -9 %a", "jpg -t9 %a" }, [Igif] { "gif", "gif -9 %a", "gif -t9 %a" }, [Iinferno] { "inferno", nil }, [Ifax] { "fax", "aux/g3p9bit -g %a" }, [Icvt2pic] { "unknown", "fb/cvt2pic %a |fb/3to1 rgbv" }, [Ippm] { "ppm", "ppm -9 %a", "ppm -t9 %a" }, /* ``temporary'' hack for hobby */ [Iccittg4] { "ccitt-g4", "cat %a|rx nslocum /usr/lib/ocr/bin/bcp -M|fb/pcp -tcompressed -l0" }, [Ipng] { "png", "png -9 %a", "png -t9 %a" }, [Iyuv] { "yuv", "yuv -9 %a", "yuv -t9 %a" }, [Ibmp] { "bmp", "bmp -9 %a", "bmp -t9 %a" }, [Iico] { "ico", "ico -9 %a", "ico -t9 %a" }, [Itga] { "tga", "tga -9 %a", "tga -t9 %a" }, [Ipdf] { "pdf", }, [Ips] { "ps", }, [Idvi] { "dvi", }, [Ims] { "ms", }, [Iroff] { "troff", }, }; static int afmt(Fmt *fmt) { char *s; s = va_arg(fmt->args, char*); if(s == nil || s[0] == '\0') return fmtstrcpy(fmt, ""); else return fmtprint(fmt, "%q", s); } enum { Nbuf = 32, }; static int type(char *name, char *ibuf, int nibuf) { char buf[Nbuf+1]; uchar xbuf[Nbuf]; int l, type; Biobuf *b; l = 0; if(name){ l = strlen(name); if((b = Bopen(name, OREAD)) == nil) { werrstr("Bopen: %r"); return -1; } if(Bread(b, xbuf, sizeof xbuf) != sizeof xbuf) { werrstr("short read: %r"); return -1; } Bterm(b); memcpy(buf, xbuf, Nbuf); buf[32] = 0; }else{ if(nibuf > Nbuf) nibuf = Nbuf; memcpy(buf, ibuf, nibuf); memset(buf + nibuf, 0, Nbuf+1-nibuf); } if(memcmp(buf, "%PDF-", 5) == 0) type = Ipdf; else if(memcmp(buf, "\x04%!", 2) == 0) type = Ips; else if(buf[0] == '\x1B' && strstr((char*)buf, "@PJL")) type = Ips; else if(memcmp(buf, "%!", 2) == 0) type = Ips; else if(memcmp(buf, "\xF7\x02\x01\x83\x92\xC0\x1C;", 8) == 0) type = Idvi; else if(memcmp(buf, "\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1", 8) == 0) type = Ims; else if(strncmp((char*)buf, "x T ", 4) == 0) type = Iroff; else if(memcmp(buf, "GIF", 3) == 0) type = Igif; else if(memcmp(buf, "\111\111\052\000", 4) == 0) type = Itiff; else if(memcmp(buf, "\115\115\000\052", 4) == 0) type = Itiff; else if(memcmp(buf, "\377\330\377", 3) == 0) type = Ijpeg; else if(memcmp(buf, "\211PNG\r\n\032\n", 3) == 0) type = Ipng; else if(memcmp(buf, "compressed\n", 11) == 0) type = Iinferno; else if(memcmp(buf, "\0PC Research, Inc", 17) == 0) type = Ifax; else if(memcmp(buf, "TYPE=ccitt-g31", 14) == 0) type = Ifax; else if(memcmp(buf, "II*", 3) == 0) type = Ifax; else if(memcmp(buf, "TYPE=ccitt-g4", 13) == 0) type = Iccittg4; else if(memcmp(buf, "TYPE=", 5) == 0) type = Ipic; else if(buf[0] == 'P' && '0' <= buf[1] && buf[1] <= '9') type = Ippm; else if(memcmp(buf, "BM", 2) == 0) type = Ibmp; else if(memcmp(buf, " ", 10) == 0 && '0' <= buf[10] && buf[10] <= '9' && buf[11] == ' ') type = Iplan9bm; else if(strtochan((char*)buf) != 0) type = Iplan9bm; else if (l > 4 && strcmp(name + l -4, ".yuv") == 0) type = Iyuv; else if (l > 4 && strcmp(name + l -4, ".ico") == 0) type = Iico; else if (l > 4 && strcmp(name + l -4, ".tga") == 0) type = Itga; else type = Icvt2pic; return type; } uchar rbuf[64*1024]; void runit(char *s, char *name, char *buf, int n) { int p[2]; static char *rc; if(name == 0 && n > 0){ if(pipe(p) == -1) sysfatal("pipe: %r"); switch(fork()){ case -1: sysfatal("fork: %r"); default: close(p[1]); dup(p[0], 0); break; case 0: close(p[0]); write(p[1], buf, n); for(;;){ n = read(0, rbuf, sizeof rbuf); if(n <= 0) break; write(p[1], rbuf, n); } exits(""); } } if(rc == nil) rc = unsharp("#9/bin/rc"); execl(rc, "rc", "-c", s, nil); exits("exec"); } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: imgtype [-Bet] ...\n"); exits("usage"); } char flag[0x80]; char *buf[1024]; int nbuf; void main(int argc, char **argv) { char *fmt, *m, *name, xbuf[Nbuf+1]; int i, n, t; Biobuf o; Convert *c; quotefmtinstall(); fmtinstall('a', afmt); ARGBEGIN{ case 'b': if(nbuf == nelem(buf)) sysfatal("too many bufs"); buf[nbuf++] = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'B': case 'e': case 't': flag[ARGC()] = 1; break; default: usage(); }ARGEND if(nbuf > 0 && flag['e']) usage(); Binit(&o, 1, OWRITE); for(i = 0;; i++){ n = 0; if(i < argc) t = type(argv[i], nil, 0); else if(i < argc + nbuf) t = type(nil, buf[i-argc], strlen(buf[i-argc])); else if(flag['B'] || i == 0){ n = read(0, xbuf, sizeof xbuf-1); if(n == 0) break; if(n == -1) sysfatal("read: %r"); xbuf[n] = 0; t = type(nil, xbuf, n); }else break; if(t == -1) sysfatal("type: %r"); c = cvt + t; fmt = c->cmd; if(flag['t']) fmt = c->truecmd; if(fmt == nil) sysfatal("no format for %s\n", c->name); name = i < argc? argv[i]: nil; m = smprint(fmt, name); if(flag['e'] == 0) Bprint(&o, "%s\n", m); else runit(m, name, xbuf, n); free(m); } Bterm(&o); exits(""); }