/* Copyright (c) 2009, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved. */ #ifndef IPERF_TCP_H #define IPERF_TCP_H /** * iperf_tcp_accept -- accepts a new TCP connection * on tcp_listener_socket for TCP data and param/result * exchange messages *returns 0 on success * */ int iperf_tcp_accept(struct iperf_test * test); /** * iperf_tcp_recv -- receives the data for TCP * and the Param/result message exchange *returns state of packet received * */ int iperf_tcp_recv(struct iperf_stream * sp); /** * iperf_tcp_send -- sends the client data for TCP * and the Param/result message exchanges * returns: bytes sent * */ int iperf_tcp_send(struct iperf_stream * sp); struct iperf_stream *iperf_new_tcp_stream(struct iperf_test * testp); #endif /* IPERF_TCP_H */