implement Srv; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio : Bufio; include "string.m"; str : String; include "irc.m"; ircdata : Ircdata; ircusers : ref Ircdata->Users; ircservices : ref Ircdata->Services; Srv: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; ircdata = load Ircdata Ircdata->PATH; ircusers = ircdata->new_users(10); Services, Service, Users : import ircdata; ircservices = ref ircdata->Services; out := chan of string; (i, c) := sys->dial("tcp!!6668", nil); if(i == -1) { return; } spawn deal_with_outgoing(c.dfd, out); out <-= sys->sprint("PASS %s", "s3rv1c3Z"); out <-= sys->sprint("PROTOCL TOKEN NICKv2 VHP UMODE2 SJOIN SJOIN2 SJ3 NOQUIT TKLEXT"); out <-= sys->sprint("SERVER %s 1:%s", "", "Srvd, you have been"); out <-= sys->sprint("NICK %s 1 %d %s %s %s 0 +%s * :%s", "NickServ", 1145232570, "NickServ", "", "", "io", "Nick Services"); # service := ircservices.add("NickServ", out); service.add_command("IDENTIFY", ircdata->identify); service.add_command("NICK", ircdata->nick); spawn deal_with_incoming(c.dfd, out); } deal_with_outgoing(fd: ref Sys->FD, out: chan of string) { msg : string; while(1) { msg = <-out; sys->print("<fprint(fd, "%s\n", msg); }; } dump_array(indent: string, a: array of string) { for(i := 0; i < len a; i ++) { sys->print("%s[%d] = \"%s\"\n", indent, i, a[i]); } } execute_cmd(service: ref Ircdata->Service, post: ref Ircdata->Post, command: string) : int { if(service == nil || post == nil) return 0; Service, Command : import ircdata; cmd := service.find_command(command); if(cmd == nil) { service.out <-= sys->sprint(":%s PRIVMSG %s :COMMAND \"%s\" not found", service.nick, post.issuing_nick, command); return 0; } return cmd.func(service, ircusers, post); } deal_with_incoming(fd: ref Sys->FD, out: chan of string) { Iobuf: import bufio; User, Users, Services, Service, Command, Post : import ircdata; post : ref Post; server_nick, service_name, cmd : string; connected := 1; srvio := bufio->fopen(fd, Bufio->OREAD); while(connected) { data := srvio.gets('\n'); if(data[len data - 1] == '\n') data = data[0:len data - 2]; if(data[len data - 1] == ' ') data = data[0:len data - 2]; post = ircdata->new_post(data); if(post.issuing_nick != nil) { post.issuer = ircusers.find(post.issuing_nick); case post.command { "PRIVMSG" => { service_name = post.args[0]; cmd = str->toupper(post.args[1]); } "NICK" => { service_name = "NickServ"; cmd = "NICK"; } } sys->print(">>CMD %s<<\n", cmd); service := ircservices.find(str->toupper(service_name)); if(service == nil) continue; execute_cmd(service, post, cmd); } else { sys->print(">>CMD %s<<\n", post.command); case post.command { "PING" => { connected = 0; } "SERVER" => { server_nick = post.args[0]; ircusers.add(server_nick); } "NICK" => { ircusers.add(post.args[0]); = ircusers.find(post.args[0]); } } } post.print(); } }