/* * Copyright © 2000 SuSE, Inc. * Copyright © 2007 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of SuSE not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. SuSE makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. * * SuSE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SuSE * BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "pixman.h" #include "pixman-private.h" static void init_source_image (source_image_t *image) { image->class = SOURCE_IMAGE_CLASS_UNKNOWN; } static pixman_bool_t init_gradient (gradient_t *gradient, const pixman_gradient_stop_t *stops, int n_stops) { return_val_if_fail (n_stops > 0, FALSE); init_source_image (&gradient->common); gradient->stops = pixman_malloc_ab (n_stops, sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t)); if (!gradient->stops) return FALSE; memcpy (gradient->stops, stops, n_stops * sizeof (pixman_gradient_stop_t)); gradient->n_stops = n_stops; gradient->stop_range = 0xffff; gradient->color_table = NULL; gradient->color_table_size = 0; return TRUE; } static uint32_t color_to_uint32 (const pixman_color_t *color) { return (color->alpha >> 8 << 24) | (color->red >> 8 << 16) | (color->green & 0xff00) | (color->blue >> 8); } static pixman_image_t * allocate_image (void) { pixman_image_t *image = malloc (sizeof (pixman_image_t)); if (image) { image_common_t *common = &image->common; pixman_region_init (&common->full_region); pixman_region_init (&common->clip_region); common->src_clip = &common->full_region; common->has_client_clip = FALSE; common->transform = NULL; common->repeat = PIXMAN_REPEAT_NONE; common->filter = PIXMAN_FILTER_NEAREST; common->filter_params = NULL; common->n_filter_params = 0; common->alpha_map = NULL; common->component_alpha = FALSE; common->ref_count = 1; common->read_func = NULL; common->write_func = NULL; } return image; } /* Ref Counting */ pixman_image_t * pixman_image_ref (pixman_image_t *image) { image->common.ref_count++; return image; } /* returns TRUE when the image is freed */ pixman_bool_t pixman_image_unref (pixman_image_t *image) { image_common_t *common = (image_common_t *)image; common->ref_count--; if (common->ref_count == 0) { pixman_region_fini (&common->clip_region); pixman_region_fini (&common->full_region); if (common->transform) free (common->transform); if (common->filter_params) free (common->filter_params); if (common->alpha_map) pixman_image_unref ((pixman_image_t *)common->alpha_map); #if 0 if (image->type == BITS && image->bits.indexed) free (image->bits.indexed); #endif #if 0 memset (image, 0xaa, sizeof (pixman_image_t)); #endif if (image->type == LINEAR || image->type == RADIAL || image->type == CONICAL) { if (image->gradient.stops) free (image->gradient.stops); } if (image->type == BITS && image->bits.free_me) free (image->bits.free_me); free (image); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Constructors */ pixman_image_t * pixman_image_create_solid_fill (pixman_color_t *color) { pixman_image_t *img = allocate_image(); if (!img) return NULL; init_source_image (&img->solid.common); img->type = SOLID; img->solid.color = color_to_uint32 (color); return img; } pixman_image_t * pixman_image_create_linear_gradient (pixman_point_fixed_t *p1, pixman_point_fixed_t *p2, const pixman_gradient_stop_t *stops, int n_stops) { pixman_image_t *image; linear_gradient_t *linear; return_val_if_fail (n_stops >= 2, NULL); image = allocate_image(); if (!image) return NULL; linear = &image->linear; if (!init_gradient (&linear->common, stops, n_stops)) { free (image); return NULL; } linear->p1 = *p1; linear->p2 = *p2; image->type = LINEAR; return image; } pixman_image_t * pixman_image_create_radial_gradient (pixman_point_fixed_t *inner, pixman_point_fixed_t *outer, pixman_fixed_t inner_radius, pixman_fixed_t outer_radius, const pixman_gradient_stop_t *stops, int n_stops) { pixman_image_t *image; radial_gradient_t *radial; return_val_if_fail (n_stops >= 2, NULL); image = allocate_image(); if (!image) return NULL; radial = &image->radial; if (!init_gradient (&radial->common, stops, n_stops)) { free (image); return NULL; } image->type = RADIAL; radial->c1.x = inner->x; radial->c1.y = inner->y; radial->c1.radius = inner_radius; radial->c2.x = outer->x; radial->c2.y = outer->y; radial->c2.radius = outer_radius; radial->cdx = pixman_fixed_to_double (radial->c2.x - radial->c1.x); radial->cdy = pixman_fixed_to_double (radial->c2.y - radial->c1.y); radial->dr = pixman_fixed_to_double (radial->c2.radius - radial->c1.radius); radial->A = (radial->cdx * radial->cdx + radial->cdy * radial->cdy - radial->dr * radial->dr); return image; } pixman_image_t * pixman_image_create_conical_gradient (pixman_point_fixed_t *center, pixman_fixed_t angle, const pixman_gradient_stop_t *stops, int n_stops) { pixman_image_t *image = allocate_image(); conical_gradient_t *conical; if (!image) return NULL; conical = &image->conical; if (!init_gradient (&conical->common, stops, n_stops)) { free (image); return NULL; } image->type = CONICAL; conical->center = *center; conical->angle = angle; return image; } static uint32_t * create_bits (pixman_format_code_t format, int width, int height, int *rowstride_bytes) { int stride; int buf_size; int bpp; /* what follows is a long-winded way, avoiding any possibility of integer * overflows, of saying: * stride = ((width * bpp + FB_MASK) >> FB_SHIFT) * sizeof (uint32_t); */ bpp = PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (format); if (pixman_multiply_overflows_int (width, bpp)) return NULL; stride = width * bpp; if (pixman_addition_overflows_int (stride, FB_MASK)) return NULL; stride += FB_MASK; stride >>= FB_SHIFT; #if FB_SHIFT < 2 if (pixman_multiply_overflows_int (stride, sizeof (uint32_t))) return NULL; #endif stride *= sizeof (uint32_t); if (pixman_multiply_overflows_int (height, stride)) return NULL; buf_size = height * stride; if (rowstride_bytes) *rowstride_bytes = stride; return calloc (buf_size, 1); } static void reset_clip_region (pixman_image_t *image) { pixman_region_fini (&image->common.clip_region); if (image->type == BITS) { pixman_region_init_rect (&image->common.clip_region, 0, 0, image->bits.width, image->bits.height); } else { pixman_region_init (&image->common.clip_region); } } pixman_image_t * pixman_image_create_bits (pixman_format_code_t format, int width, int height, uint32_t *bits, int rowstride_bytes) { pixman_image_t *image; uint32_t *free_me = NULL; /* must be a whole number of uint32_t's */ return_val_if_fail (bits == NULL || (rowstride_bytes % sizeof (uint32_t)) == 0, NULL); if (!bits && width && height) { free_me = bits = create_bits (format, width, height, &rowstride_bytes); if (!bits) return NULL; } image = allocate_image(); if (!image) { if (free_me) free (free_me); return NULL; } image->type = BITS; image->bits.format = format; image->bits.width = width; image->bits.height = height; image->bits.bits = bits; image->bits.free_me = free_me; image->bits.rowstride = rowstride_bytes / (int) sizeof (uint32_t); /* we store it in number * of uint32_t's */ image->bits.indexed = NULL; pixman_region_fini (&image->common.full_region); pixman_region_init_rect (&image->common.full_region, 0, 0, image->bits.width, image->bits.height); reset_clip_region (image); return image; } pixman_bool_t pixman_image_set_clip_region (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_region16_t *region) { image_common_t *common = (image_common_t *)image; if (region) { return pixman_region_copy (&common->clip_region, region); } else { reset_clip_region (image); return TRUE; } } /* Sets whether the clip region includes a clip region set by the client */ void pixman_image_set_has_client_clip (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_bool_t client_clip) { image->common.has_client_clip = client_clip; } pixman_bool_t pixman_image_set_transform (pixman_image_t *image, const pixman_transform_t *transform) { static const pixman_transform_t id = { { { pixman_fixed_1, 0, 0 }, { 0, pixman_fixed_1, 0 }, { 0, 0, pixman_fixed_1 } } }; image_common_t *common = (image_common_t *)image; if (common->transform == transform) return TRUE; if (memcmp (&id, transform, sizeof (pixman_transform_t)) == 0) { free(common->transform); common->transform = NULL; return TRUE; } if (common->transform == NULL) common->transform = malloc (sizeof (pixman_transform_t)); if (common->transform == NULL) return FALSE; memcpy(common->transform, transform, sizeof(pixman_transform_t)); return TRUE; } void pixman_image_set_repeat (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_repeat_t repeat) { image->common.repeat = repeat; } pixman_bool_t pixman_image_set_filter (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_filter_t filter, const pixman_fixed_t *params, int n_params) { image_common_t *common = (image_common_t *)image; pixman_fixed_t *new_params; if (params == common->filter_params && filter == common->filter) return TRUE; new_params = NULL; if (params) { new_params = pixman_malloc_ab (n_params, sizeof (pixman_fixed_t)); if (!new_params) return FALSE; memcpy (new_params, params, n_params * sizeof (pixman_fixed_t)); } common->filter = filter; if (common->filter_params) free (common->filter_params); common->filter_params = new_params; common->n_filter_params = n_params; return TRUE; } void pixman_image_set_source_clipping (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_bool_t source_clipping) { image_common_t *common = &image->common; if (source_clipping) common->src_clip = &common->clip_region; else common->src_clip = &common->full_region; } /* Unlike all the other property setters, this function does not * copy the content of indexed. Doing this copying is simply * way, way too expensive. */ void pixman_image_set_indexed (pixman_image_t *image, const pixman_indexed_t *indexed) { bits_image_t *bits = (bits_image_t *)image; bits->indexed = indexed; } void pixman_image_set_alpha_map (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_image_t *alpha_map, int16_t x, int16_t y) { image_common_t *common = (image_common_t *)image; return_if_fail (!alpha_map || alpha_map->type == BITS); if (common->alpha_map != (bits_image_t *)alpha_map) { if (common->alpha_map) pixman_image_unref ((pixman_image_t *)common->alpha_map); if (alpha_map) common->alpha_map = (bits_image_t *)pixman_image_ref (alpha_map); else common->alpha_map = NULL; } common->alpha_origin.x = x; common->alpha_origin.y = y; } void pixman_image_set_component_alpha (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_bool_t component_alpha) { image->common.component_alpha = component_alpha; } void pixman_image_set_accessors (pixman_image_t *image, pixman_read_memory_func_t read_func, pixman_write_memory_func_t write_func) { return_if_fail (image != NULL); image->common.read_func = read_func; image->common.write_func = write_func; } uint32_t * pixman_image_get_data (pixman_image_t *image) { if (image->type == BITS) return image->bits.bits; return NULL; } int pixman_image_get_width (pixman_image_t *image) { if (image->type == BITS) return image->bits.width; return 0; } int pixman_image_get_height (pixman_image_t *image) { if (image->type == BITS) return image->bits.height; return 0; } int pixman_image_get_stride (pixman_image_t *image) { if (image->type == BITS) return image->bits.rowstride * (int) sizeof (uint32_t); return 0; } int pixman_image_get_depth (pixman_image_t *image) { if (image->type == BITS) return PIXMAN_FORMAT_DEPTH (image->bits.format); return 0; } pixman_bool_t color_to_pixel (pixman_color_t *color, uint32_t *pixel, pixman_format_code_t format) { uint32_t c = color_to_uint32 (color); if (!(format == PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8 || format == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8 || format == PIXMAN_a8b8g8r8 || format == PIXMAN_x8b8g8r8 || format == PIXMAN_r5g6b5 || format == PIXMAN_b5g6r5 || format == PIXMAN_a8)) { return FALSE; } if (PIXMAN_FORMAT_TYPE (format) == PIXMAN_TYPE_ABGR) { c = ((c & 0xff000000) >> 0) | ((c & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) | ((c & 0x0000ff00) >> 0) | ((c & 0x000000ff) << 16); } if (format == PIXMAN_a8) c = c >> 24; else if (format == PIXMAN_r5g6b5 || format == PIXMAN_b5g6r5) c = cvt8888to0565 (c); #if 0 printf ("color: %x %x %x %x\n", color->alpha, color->red, color->green, color->blue); printf ("pixel: %x\n", c); #endif *pixel = c; return TRUE; } pixman_bool_t pixman_image_fill_rectangles (pixman_op_t op, pixman_image_t *dest, pixman_color_t *color, int n_rects, const pixman_rectangle16_t *rects) { pixman_image_t *solid; pixman_color_t c; int i; if (color->alpha == 0xffff) { if (op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER) op = PIXMAN_OP_SRC; } if (op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR) { c.red = 0; c.green = 0; c.blue = 0; c.alpha = 0; color = &c; op = PIXMAN_OP_SRC; } if (op == PIXMAN_OP_SRC) { uint32_t pixel; if (color_to_pixel (color, &pixel, dest->bits.format)) { for (i = 0; i < n_rects; ++i) { pixman_region16_t fill_region; int n_boxes, j; pixman_box16_t *boxes; pixman_region_init_rect (&fill_region, rects[i].x, rects[i].y, rects[i].width, rects[i].height); pixman_region_intersect (&fill_region, &fill_region, &dest->common.clip_region); boxes = pixman_region_rectangles (&fill_region, &n_boxes); for (j = 0; j < n_boxes; ++j) { const pixman_box16_t *box = &(boxes[j]); pixman_fill (dest->bits.bits, dest->bits.rowstride, PIXMAN_FORMAT_BPP (dest->bits.format), box->x1, box->y1, box->x2 - box->x1, box->y2 - box->y1, pixel); } pixman_region_fini (&fill_region); } return TRUE; } } solid = pixman_image_create_solid_fill (color); if (!solid) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < n_rects; ++i) { const pixman_rectangle16_t *rect = &(rects[i]); pixman_image_composite (op, solid, NULL, dest, 0, 0, 0, 0, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height); } pixman_image_unref (solid); return TRUE; }