/* $Id: xev.c,v 1.17 2004/02/06 19:00:37 nlevitt Exp $ */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xev/xev.c,v 1.12tsi Exp $ */ /* $XConsortium: xev.c,v 1.15 94/04/17 20:45:20 keith Exp $ */ /* Copyright (c) 1988 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. */ /* * Author: Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INNER_WINDOW_WIDTH 50 #define INNER_WINDOW_HEIGHT 50 #define INNER_WINDOW_BORDER 4 #define INNER_WINDOW_X 10 #define INNER_WINDOW_Y 10 #define OUTER_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH (INNER_WINDOW_WIDTH + \ 2 * (INNER_WINDOW_BORDER + INNER_WINDOW_X)) #define OUTER_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT (INNER_WINDOW_HEIGHT + \ 2 * (INNER_WINDOW_BORDER + INNER_WINDOW_Y)) #define OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_WIDTH (OUTER_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH + 100) #define OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_HEIGHT (OUTER_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT + 100) #define OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_X 100 #define OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_Y 100 static const char *Yes = "YES"; static const char *No = "NO"; static const char *Unknown = "unknown"; static const char *ProgramName; static Display *dpy; static int screen; static XIC xic = NULL; static Atom wm_delete_window; static Atom wm_protocols; /* not thread-safe */ static const char * timestamp () { struct timeval tv; struct tm local; char format_string[40]; static char output_string[40]; int status; void *ptr; status = gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); if (status != 0) { perror ("gettimeofday"); exit (1); } ptr = localtime_r (&tv.tv_sec, &local); if (ptr == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "localtime_r failed\n"); exit (1); } status = snprintf (format_string, sizeof (format_string), "%%H:%%M:%%S.%03ld", tv.tv_usec / 1000); if (status >= sizeof (format_string)) { fprintf (stderr, "format_string not big enough\n"); exit (1); } status = strftime (output_string, sizeof (output_string), format_string, &local); if (status <= 0 || status >= sizeof (output_string)) { fprintf (stderr, "strftime failed\n"); exit (1); } return output_string; } static void prologue (XEvent *eventp, char *event_name) { XAnyEvent *e = (XAnyEvent *) eventp; printf ("\n%s %s event, serial %ld, synthetic %s, window 0x%lx,\n", timestamp (), event_name, e->serial, e->send_event ? Yes : No, e->window); } static void dump (char *str, int len) { int i; printf("("); for (i = 0; i < len-1; i++) printf("%02x ", (unsigned char) str[i]); printf("%02x)", (unsigned char) str[i]); } static void do_KeyPress (XEvent *eventp) { XKeyEvent *e = (XKeyEvent *) eventp; KeySym ks; KeyCode kc = 0; Bool kc_set = False; char *ksname; int nbytes, nmbbytes = 0; char str[256+1]; static char *buf = NULL; static int bsize = 8; Status status; if (buf == NULL) buf = malloc (bsize); nbytes = XLookupString (e, str, 256, &ks, NULL); /* not supposed to call XmbLookupString on a key release event */ if (e->type == KeyPress && xic) { do { nmbbytes = XmbLookupString (xic, e, buf, bsize - 1, &ks, &status); buf[nmbbytes] = '\0'; if (status == XBufferOverflow) { bsize = nmbbytes + 1; buf = realloc (buf, bsize); } } while (status == XBufferOverflow); } if (ks == NoSymbol) ksname = "NoSymbol"; else { if (!(ksname = XKeysymToString (ks))) ksname = "(no name)"; kc = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, ks); kc_set = True; } printf (" root 0x%lx, subw 0x%lx, time %lu, (%d,%d), root:(%d,%d),\n", e->root, e->subwindow, e->time, e->x, e->y, e->x_root, e->y_root); printf (" state 0x%x, keycode %u (keysym 0x%lx, %s), same_screen %s,\n", e->state, e->keycode, (unsigned long) ks, ksname, e->same_screen ? Yes : No); if (kc_set && e->keycode != kc) printf (" XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: %u\n",kc); if (nbytes < 0) nbytes = 0; if (nbytes > 256) nbytes = 256; str[nbytes] = '\0'; printf (" XLookupString gives %d bytes: ", nbytes); if (nbytes > 0) { dump (str, nbytes); printf (" \"%s\"\n", str); } else { printf ("\n"); } /* not supposed to call XmbLookupString on a key release event */ if (e->type == KeyPress && xic) { printf (" XmbLookupString gives %d bytes: ", nmbbytes); if (nmbbytes > 0) { dump (buf, nmbbytes); printf (" \"%s\"\n", buf); } else { printf ("\n"); } printf (" XFilterEvent returns: %s\n", XFilterEvent (eventp, e->window) ? "True" : "False"); } } static void do_KeyRelease (XEvent *eventp) { do_KeyPress (eventp); /* since it has the same info */ } static void do_ButtonPress (XEvent *eventp) { XButtonEvent *e = (XButtonEvent *) eventp; printf (" root 0x%lx, subw 0x%lx, time %lu, (%d,%d), root:(%d,%d),\n", e->root, e->subwindow, e->time, e->x, e->y, e->x_root, e->y_root); printf (" state 0x%x, button %u, same_screen %s\n", e->state, e->button, e->same_screen ? Yes : No); } static void do_ButtonRelease (XEvent *eventp) { do_ButtonPress (eventp); /* since it has the same info */ } static void do_MotionNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XMotionEvent *e = (XMotionEvent *) eventp; printf (" root 0x%lx, subw 0x%lx, time %lu, (%d,%d), root:(%d,%d),\n", e->root, e->subwindow, e->time, e->x, e->y, e->x_root, e->y_root); printf (" state 0x%x, is_hint %u, same_screen %s\n", e->state, e->is_hint, e->same_screen ? Yes : No); } static void do_EnterNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XCrossingEvent *e = (XCrossingEvent *) eventp; char *mode, *detail; char dmode[10], ddetail[10]; switch (e->mode) { case NotifyNormal: mode = "NotifyNormal"; break; case NotifyGrab: mode = "NotifyGrab"; break; case NotifyUngrab: mode = "NotifyUngrab"; break; case NotifyWhileGrabbed: mode = "NotifyWhileGrabbed"; break; default: mode = dmode, sprintf (dmode, "%u", e->mode); break; } switch (e->detail) { case NotifyAncestor: detail = "NotifyAncestor"; break; case NotifyVirtual: detail = "NotifyVirtual"; break; case NotifyInferior: detail = "NotifyInferior"; break; case NotifyNonlinear: detail = "NotifyNonlinear"; break; case NotifyNonlinearVirtual: detail = "NotifyNonlinearVirtual"; break; case NotifyPointer: detail = "NotifyPointer"; break; case NotifyPointerRoot: detail = "NotifyPointerRoot"; break; case NotifyDetailNone: detail = "NotifyDetailNone"; break; default: detail = ddetail; sprintf (ddetail, "%u", e->detail); break; } printf (" root 0x%lx, subw 0x%lx, time %lu, (%d,%d), root:(%d,%d),\n", e->root, e->subwindow, e->time, e->x, e->y, e->x_root, e->y_root); printf (" mode %s, detail %s, same_screen %s,\n", mode, detail, e->same_screen ? Yes : No); printf (" focus %s, state %u\n", e->focus ? Yes : No, e->state); } static void do_LeaveNotify (XEvent *eventp) { do_EnterNotify (eventp); /* since it has same information */ } static void do_FocusIn (XEvent *eventp) { XFocusChangeEvent *e = (XFocusChangeEvent *) eventp; char *mode, *detail; char dmode[10], ddetail[10]; switch (e->mode) { case NotifyNormal: mode = "NotifyNormal"; break; case NotifyGrab: mode = "NotifyGrab"; break; case NotifyUngrab: mode = "NotifyUngrab"; break; case NotifyWhileGrabbed: mode = "NotifyWhileGrabbed"; break; default: mode = dmode, sprintf (dmode, "%u", e->mode); break; } switch (e->detail) { case NotifyAncestor: detail = "NotifyAncestor"; break; case NotifyVirtual: detail = "NotifyVirtual"; break; case NotifyInferior: detail = "NotifyInferior"; break; case NotifyNonlinear: detail = "NotifyNonlinear"; break; case NotifyNonlinearVirtual: detail = "NotifyNonlinearVirtual"; break; case NotifyPointer: detail = "NotifyPointer"; break; case NotifyPointerRoot: detail = "NotifyPointerRoot"; break; case NotifyDetailNone: detail = "NotifyDetailNone"; break; default: detail = ddetail; sprintf (ddetail, "%u", e->detail); break; } printf (" mode %s, detail %s\n", mode, detail); } static void do_FocusOut (XEvent *eventp) { do_FocusIn (eventp); /* since it has same information */ } static void do_KeymapNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XKeymapEvent *e = (XKeymapEvent *) eventp; int i; printf (" keys: "); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (i == 16) printf ("\n "); printf ("%-3u ", (unsigned int) e->key_vector[i]); } printf ("\n"); } static void do_Expose (XEvent *eventp) { XExposeEvent *e = (XExposeEvent *) eventp; printf (" (%d,%d), width %d, height %d, count %d\n", e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height, e->count); } static void do_GraphicsExpose (XEvent *eventp) { XGraphicsExposeEvent *e = (XGraphicsExposeEvent *) eventp; char *m; char mdummy[10]; switch (e->major_code) { case X_CopyArea: m = "CopyArea"; break; case X_CopyPlane: m = "CopyPlane"; break; default: m = mdummy; sprintf (mdummy, "%d", e->major_code); break; } printf (" (%d,%d), width %d, height %d, count %d,\n", e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height, e->count); printf (" major %s, minor %d\n", m, e->minor_code); } static void do_NoExpose (XEvent *eventp) { XNoExposeEvent *e = (XNoExposeEvent *) eventp; char *m; char mdummy[10]; switch (e->major_code) { case X_CopyArea: m = "CopyArea"; break; case X_CopyPlane: m = "CopyPlane"; break; default: m = mdummy; sprintf (mdummy, "%d", e->major_code); break; } printf (" major %s, minor %d\n", m, e->minor_code); return; } static void do_VisibilityNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XVisibilityEvent *e = (XVisibilityEvent *) eventp; char *v; char vdummy[10]; switch (e->state) { case VisibilityUnobscured: v = "VisibilityUnobscured"; break; case VisibilityPartiallyObscured: v = "VisibilityPartiallyObscured"; break; case VisibilityFullyObscured: v = "VisibilityFullyObscured"; break; default: v = vdummy; sprintf (vdummy, "%d", e->state); break; } printf (" state %s\n", v); } static void do_CreateNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XCreateWindowEvent *e = (XCreateWindowEvent *) eventp; printf (" parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d), width %d, height %d\n", e->parent, e->window, e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height); printf ("border_width %d, override %s\n", e->border_width, e->override_redirect ? Yes : No); } static void do_DestroyNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XDestroyWindowEvent *e = (XDestroyWindowEvent *) eventp; printf (" event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx\n", e->event, e->window); } static void do_UnmapNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XUnmapEvent *e = (XUnmapEvent *) eventp; printf (" event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, from_configure %s\n", e->event, e->window, e->from_configure ? Yes : No); } static void do_MapNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XMapEvent *e = (XMapEvent *) eventp; printf (" event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, override %s\n", e->event, e->window, e->override_redirect ? Yes : No); } static void do_MapRequest (XEvent *eventp) { XMapRequestEvent *e = (XMapRequestEvent *) eventp; printf (" parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx\n", e->parent, e->window); } static void do_ReparentNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XReparentEvent *e = (XReparentEvent *) eventp; printf (" event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, parent 0x%lx,\n", e->event, e->window, e->parent); printf (" (%d,%d), override %s\n", e->x, e->y, e->override_redirect ? Yes : No); } static void do_ConfigureNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XConfigureEvent *e = (XConfigureEvent *) eventp; printf (" event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d), width %d, height %d,\n", e->event, e->window, e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height); printf (" border_width %d, above 0x%lx, override %s\n", e->border_width, e->above, e->override_redirect ? Yes : No); } static void do_ConfigureRequest (XEvent *eventp) { XConfigureRequestEvent *e = (XConfigureRequestEvent *) eventp; char *detail; char ddummy[10]; switch (e->detail) { case Above: detail = "Above"; break; case Below: detail = "Below"; break; case TopIf: detail = "TopIf"; break; case BottomIf: detail = "BottomIf"; break; case Opposite: detail = "Opposite"; break; default: detail = ddummy; sprintf (ddummy, "%d", e->detail); break; } printf (" parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d), width %d, height %d,\n", e->parent, e->window, e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height); printf (" border_width %d, above 0x%lx, detail %s, value 0x%lx\n", e->border_width, e->above, detail, e->value_mask); } static void do_GravityNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XGravityEvent *e = (XGravityEvent *) eventp; printf (" event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d)\n", e->event, e->window, e->x, e->y); } static void do_ResizeRequest (XEvent *eventp) { XResizeRequestEvent *e = (XResizeRequestEvent *) eventp; printf (" width %d, height %d\n", e->width, e->height); } static void do_CirculateNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XCirculateEvent *e = (XCirculateEvent *) eventp; char *p; char pdummy[10]; switch (e->place) { case PlaceOnTop: p = "PlaceOnTop"; break; case PlaceOnBottom: p = "PlaceOnBottom"; break; default: p = pdummy; sprintf (pdummy, "%d", e->place); break; } printf (" event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, place %s\n", e->event, e->window, p); } static void do_CirculateRequest (XEvent *eventp) { XCirculateRequestEvent *e = (XCirculateRequestEvent *) eventp; char *p; char pdummy[10]; switch (e->place) { case PlaceOnTop: p = "PlaceOnTop"; break; case PlaceOnBottom: p = "PlaceOnBottom"; break; default: p = pdummy; sprintf (pdummy, "%d", e->place); break; } printf (" parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, place %s\n", e->parent, e->window, p); } static void do_PropertyNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XPropertyEvent *e = (XPropertyEvent *) eventp; char *aname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->atom); char *s; char sdummy[10]; switch (e->state) { case PropertyNewValue: s = "PropertyNewValue"; break; case PropertyDelete: s = "PropertyDelete"; break; default: s = sdummy; sprintf (sdummy, "%d", e->state); break; } printf (" atom 0x%lx (%s), time %lu, state %s\n", e->atom, aname ? aname : Unknown, e->time, s); if (aname) XFree (aname); } static void do_SelectionClear (XEvent *eventp) { XSelectionClearEvent *e = (XSelectionClearEvent *) eventp; char *sname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->selection); printf (" selection 0x%lx (%s), time %lu\n", e->selection, sname ? sname : Unknown, e->time); if (sname) XFree (sname); } static void do_SelectionRequest (XEvent *eventp) { XSelectionRequestEvent *e = (XSelectionRequestEvent *) eventp; char *sname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->selection); char *tname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->target); char *pname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->property); printf (" owner 0x%lx, requestor 0x%lx, selection 0x%lx (%s),\n", e->owner, e->requestor, e->selection, sname ? sname : Unknown); printf (" target 0x%lx (%s), property 0x%lx (%s), time %lu\n", e->target, tname ? tname : Unknown, e->property, pname ? pname : Unknown, e->time); if (sname) XFree (sname); if (tname) XFree (tname); if (pname) XFree (pname); } static void do_SelectionNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XSelectionEvent *e = (XSelectionEvent *) eventp; char *sname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->selection); char *tname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->target); char *pname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->property); printf (" selection 0x%lx (%s), target 0x%lx (%s),\n", e->selection, sname ? sname : Unknown, e->target, tname ? tname : Unknown); printf (" property 0x%lx (%s), time %lu\n", e->property, pname ? pname : Unknown, e->time); if (sname) XFree (sname); if (tname) XFree (tname); if (pname) XFree (pname); } static void do_ColormapNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XColormapEvent *e = (XColormapEvent *) eventp; char *s; char sdummy[10]; switch (e->state) { case ColormapInstalled: s = "ColormapInstalled"; break; case ColormapUninstalled: s = "ColormapUninstalled"; break; default: s = sdummy; sprintf (sdummy, "%d", e->state); break; } printf (" colormap 0x%lx, new %s, state %s\n", e->colormap, e->new ? Yes : No, s); } static void do_ClientMessage (XEvent *eventp) { XClientMessageEvent *e = (XClientMessageEvent *) eventp; char *mname = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->message_type); if (e->message_type == wm_protocols) { char *message = XGetAtomName (dpy, e->data.l[0]); printf (" message_type 0x%lx (%s), format %d, message 0x%lx (%s)\n", e->message_type, mname ? mname : Unknown, e->format, e->data.l[0], message); if (message) XFree (message); } else { printf (" message_type 0x%lx (%s), format %d\n", e->message_type, mname ? mname : Unknown, e->format); } if (mname) XFree (mname); if (e->format == 32 && e->message_type == wm_protocols && (Atom) e->data.l[0] == wm_delete_window) exit (0); } static void do_MappingNotify (XEvent *eventp) { XMappingEvent *e = (XMappingEvent *) eventp; char *r; char rdummy[10]; switch (e->request) { case MappingModifier: r = "MappingModifier"; break; case MappingKeyboard: r = "MappingKeyboard"; break; case MappingPointer: r = "MappingPointer"; break; default: r = rdummy; sprintf (rdummy, "%d", e->request); break; } printf (" request %s, first_keycode %d, count %d\n", r, e->first_keycode, e->count); XRefreshKeyboardMapping(e); } static void set_sizehints (XSizeHints *hintp, int min_width, int min_height, int defwidth, int defheight, int defx, int defy, char *geom) { int geom_result; /* set the size hints, algorithm from xlib xbiff */ hintp->width = hintp->min_width = min_width; hintp->height = hintp->min_height = min_height; hintp->flags = PMinSize; hintp->x = hintp->y = 0; geom_result = NoValue; if (geom != NULL) { geom_result = XParseGeometry (geom, &hintp->x, &hintp->y, (unsigned int *)&hintp->width, (unsigned int *)&hintp->height); if ((geom_result & WidthValue) && (geom_result & HeightValue)) { #ifndef max #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif hintp->width = max (hintp->width, hintp->min_width); hintp->height = max (hintp->height, hintp->min_height); hintp->flags |= USSize; } if ((geom_result & XValue) && (geom_result & YValue)) { hintp->flags += USPosition; } } if (!(hintp->flags & USSize)) { hintp->width = defwidth; hintp->height = defheight; hintp->flags |= PSize; } /* if (!(hintp->flags & USPosition)) { hintp->x = defx; hintp->y = defy; hintp->flags |= PPosition; } */ if (geom_result & XNegative) { hintp->x = DisplayWidth (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)) + hintp->x - hintp->width; } if (geom_result & YNegative) { hintp->y = DisplayHeight (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)) + hintp->y - hintp->height; } } #if defined(__GNUC__) && \ ((__GNUC__ > 2) || ((__GNUC__ == 2) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7))) static void usage (void) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); #endif static void usage (void) { static const char *msg[] = { " -display displayname X server to contact", " -geometry geom size and location of window", " -bw pixels border width in pixels", " -bs {NotUseful,WhenMapped,Always} backingstore attribute", " -id windowid use existing window", " -s set save-unders attribute", " -name string window name", " -rv reverse video", "", NULL}; const char **cpp; fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-options ...]\n", ProgramName); fprintf (stderr, "where options include:\n"); for (cpp = msg; *cpp; cpp++) fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", *cpp); exit (1); } static int parse_backing_store (char *s) { int len = strlen (s); char *cp; for (cp = s; *cp; cp++) { if (isascii (*cp) && isupper (*cp)) *cp = tolower (*cp); } if (strncmp (s, "notuseful", len) == 0) return (NotUseful); if (strncmp (s, "whenmapped", len) == 0) return (WhenMapped); if (strncmp (s, "always", len) == 0) return (Always); usage (); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *displayname = NULL; char *geom = NULL; int i; XSizeHints hints; int borderwidth = 2; Window w, subw; XSetWindowAttributes attr; XWindowAttributes wattr; unsigned long mask = 0L; int done; char *name = "Event Tester"; Bool reverse = False; unsigned long back, fore; XIM xim; XIMStyles *xim_styles; XIMStyle xim_style = 0; char *modifiers; char *imvalret; ProgramName = argv[0]; if (setlocale(LC_ALL,"") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: could not set default locale\n", ProgramName); } w = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] == '-') { switch (arg[1]) { case 'd': /* -display host:dpy */ if (++i >= argc) usage (); displayname = argv[i]; continue; case 'g': /* -geometry geom */ if (++i >= argc) usage (); geom = argv[i]; continue; case 'b': switch (arg[2]) { case 'w': /* -bw pixels */ if (++i >= argc) usage (); borderwidth = atoi (argv[i]); continue; case 's': /* -bs type */ if (++i >= argc) usage (); attr.backing_store = parse_backing_store (argv[i]); mask |= CWBackingStore; continue; default: usage (); } case 'i': /* -id */ if (++i >= argc) usage (); sscanf(argv[i], "0x%lx", &w); if (!w) sscanf(argv[i], "%lu", &w); if (!w) usage (); continue; case 'n': /* -name */ if (++i >= argc) usage (); name = argv[i]; continue; case 'r': /* -rv */ reverse = True; continue; case 's': /* -s */ attr.save_under = True; mask |= CWSaveUnder; continue; default: usage (); } /* end switch on - */ } else usage (); } /* end for over argc */ dpy = XOpenDisplay (displayname); if (!dpy) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to open display '%s'\n", ProgramName, XDisplayName (displayname)); exit (1); } /* we're testing the default input method */ modifiers = XSetLocaleModifiers ("@im=none"); if (modifiers == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: XSetLocaleModifiers failed\n", ProgramName); } xim = XOpenIM (dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (xim == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: XOpenIM failed\n", ProgramName); } if (xim) { imvalret = XGetIMValues (xim, XNQueryInputStyle, &xim_styles, NULL); if (imvalret != NULL || xim_styles == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: input method doesn't support any styles\n", ProgramName); } if (xim_styles) { xim_style = 0; for (i = 0; i < xim_styles->count_styles; i++) { if (xim_styles->supported_styles[i] == (XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing)) { xim_style = xim_styles->supported_styles[i]; break; } } if (xim_style == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: input method doesn't support the style we support\n", ProgramName); } XFree (xim_styles); } } screen = DefaultScreen (dpy); /* select for all events */ attr.event_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | Button2MotionMask | Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask | ButtonMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | /* ResizeRedirectMask | */ SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask | ColormapChangeMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask; if (w) { XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, w, &wattr); if (wattr.all_event_masks & ButtonPressMask) attr.event_mask &= ~ButtonPressMask; attr.event_mask &= ~SubstructureRedirectMask; XSelectInput(dpy, w, attr.event_mask); } else { set_sizehints (&hints, OUTER_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH, OUTER_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT, OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_WIDTH, OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_HEIGHT, OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_X, OUTER_WINDOW_DEF_Y, geom); if (reverse) { back = BlackPixel(dpy,screen); fore = WhitePixel(dpy,screen); } else { back = WhitePixel(dpy,screen); fore = BlackPixel(dpy,screen); } attr.background_pixel = back; attr.border_pixel = fore; mask |= (CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask); w = XCreateWindow (dpy, RootWindow (dpy, screen), hints.x, hints.y, hints.width, hints.height, borderwidth, 0, InputOutput, (Visual *)CopyFromParent, mask, &attr); XSetStandardProperties (dpy, w, name, NULL, (Pixmap) 0, argv, argc, &hints); subw = XCreateSimpleWindow (dpy, w, INNER_WINDOW_X, INNER_WINDOW_Y, INNER_WINDOW_WIDTH, INNER_WINDOW_HEIGHT, INNER_WINDOW_BORDER, attr.border_pixel, attr.background_pixel); wm_protocols = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XSetWMProtocols(dpy, w, &wm_delete_window, 1); XMapWindow (dpy, subw); /* map before w so that it appears */ XMapWindow (dpy, w); printf ("Outer window is 0x%lx, inner window is 0x%lx\n", w, subw); } if (xim && xim_style) { xic = XCreateIC (xim, XNInputStyle, xim_style, XNClientWindow, w, XNFocusWindow, w, NULL); if (xic == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "XCreateIC failed\n"); } } for (done = 0; !done; ) { XEvent event; XNextEvent (dpy, &event); switch (event.type) { case KeyPress: prologue (&event, "KeyPress"); do_KeyPress (&event); break; case KeyRelease: prologue (&event, "KeyRelease"); do_KeyRelease (&event); break; case ButtonPress: prologue (&event, "ButtonPress"); do_ButtonPress (&event); break; case ButtonRelease: prologue (&event, "ButtonRelease"); do_ButtonRelease (&event); break; case MotionNotify: prologue (&event, "MotionNotify"); do_MotionNotify (&event); break; case EnterNotify: prologue (&event, "EnterNotify"); do_EnterNotify (&event); break; case LeaveNotify: prologue (&event, "LeaveNotify"); do_LeaveNotify (&event); break; case FocusIn: prologue (&event, "FocusIn"); do_FocusIn (&event); break; case FocusOut: prologue (&event, "FocusOut"); do_FocusOut (&event); break; case KeymapNotify: prologue (&event, "KeymapNotify"); do_KeymapNotify (&event); break; case Expose: prologue (&event, "Expose"); do_Expose (&event); break; case GraphicsExpose: prologue (&event, "GraphicsExpose"); do_GraphicsExpose (&event); break; case NoExpose: prologue (&event, "NoExpose"); do_NoExpose (&event); break; case VisibilityNotify: prologue (&event, "VisibilityNotify"); do_VisibilityNotify (&event); break; case CreateNotify: prologue (&event, "CreateNotify"); do_CreateNotify (&event); break; case DestroyNotify: prologue (&event, "DestroyNotify"); do_DestroyNotify (&event); break; case UnmapNotify: prologue (&event, "UnmapNotify"); do_UnmapNotify (&event); break; case MapNotify: prologue (&event, "MapNotify"); do_MapNotify (&event); break; case MapRequest: prologue (&event, "MapRequest"); do_MapRequest (&event); break; case ReparentNotify: prologue (&event, "ReparentNotify"); do_ReparentNotify (&event); break; case ConfigureNotify: prologue (&event, "ConfigureNotify"); do_ConfigureNotify (&event); break; case ConfigureRequest: prologue (&event, "ConfigureRequest"); do_ConfigureRequest (&event); break; case GravityNotify: prologue (&event, "GravityNotify"); do_GravityNotify (&event); break; case ResizeRequest: prologue (&event, "ResizeRequest"); do_ResizeRequest (&event); break; case CirculateNotify: prologue (&event, "CirculateNotify"); do_CirculateNotify (&event); break; case CirculateRequest: prologue (&event, "CirculateRequest"); do_CirculateRequest (&event); break; case PropertyNotify: prologue (&event, "PropertyNotify"); do_PropertyNotify (&event); break; case SelectionClear: prologue (&event, "SelectionClear"); do_SelectionClear (&event); break; case SelectionRequest: prologue (&event, "SelectionRequest"); do_SelectionRequest (&event); break; case SelectionNotify: prologue (&event, "SelectionNotify"); do_SelectionNotify (&event); break; case ColormapNotify: prologue (&event, "ColormapNotify"); do_ColormapNotify (&event); break; case ClientMessage: prologue (&event, "ClientMessage"); do_ClientMessage (&event); break; case MappingNotify: prologue (&event, "MappingNotify"); do_MappingNotify (&event); break; default: printf ("Unknown event type %d\n", event.type); break; } } XCloseDisplay (dpy); return 0; }