hmake interactive commands

Commands you can type to the hmake interactive prompt are very like those for Hugs. There are just a few extra and a few missing. Any command can be abbreviated to its shortest unique prefix.

Commands that are identical in hi and Hugs:

expr evaluate the expression
:? display help text
:quit exit
:load mod [mod...] load the named modules (note, not filenames!)
:load remove all modules
:reload repeat the last :load command
:also mod [mod...] load additional modules
:edit file edit filename
:edit edit the current module
:cd dir change the current directory
:cd show the current directory
:dir list the current directory
:set options set hmake/compiler options
:set show current hmake/compiler options
:unset options unset hmake/compiler options
:!command shell escape
:version display version of hmake

Commands that are supported by hi (but not by Hugs):

:hc compiler change Haskell compiler
:hc report current Haskell compiler, and show available compilers

Hugs commands which are not supported in hi:

:names pat list names currently in scope
:info name describe the named object
:find name edit the module containing the definition of name
(suggestion: use :!grep ^name *.hs to find the module)
:project filename obsolete (project files were an alternative to the
Haskell module system)
:gc force a garbage collection
(only makes sense in a true interpreter)

The latest updates to this software are available on the WWW from (

Information last updated: 2002-01-21
York Functional Programming Group