Indexing in progress - result may be inaccurate
{.end} {.section Alt}Did you mean: {.repeated section Alts} {@|html} {.end}
{.end} {.section Hit} {.section Decls}Package-level declarations
{.repeated section @}package {Pak.Name|html}
{.repeated section Files} {.repeated section Groups} {.repeated section Infos} {File.Path|html}:{@|infoLine}{@|infoSnippet}{.end} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.section Others}
Local declarations and uses
{.repeated section @}package {Pak.Name|html}
{.repeated section Files} {File.Path|html}{Kind|infoKind} | {.repeated section Infos} {@|infoLine} {.end} |
Illegal query syntax
A legal query is a single identifier (such as ToLower) or a qualified identifier (such as math.Sin).