
Software Repository

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This site is intended to be a pointer to Plan 9, Inferno and other interesting source code.

The way it works is that you publish your source code at some URL and then mail the URL, with a short description, to and it gets added to the site. If you want the URL removed it will be and you can always move or delete the supplied URL.

This a first cut. Your comments are welcome.

Be advised that tarred (sic), zipped complex stuff will not be added, so keep it simple. Bundle [a type of shell archive] is probably not a bad format to use, but compress it if it's really big [say 500Kb], before making it public at the the URL you provide.

  1. A simple script to interogate the RBL
  2. Sort those IP addresses in /etc/hosts... ipsort
  3. Port NFS in a month flat? You need vidi written in sh or rc.
  4. ASCII to BAUDOT a2b
  5. BAUDOT to ASCII b2a
  6. Plan 9 style bundle and diff.
  7. Inspired by Richard Schedler, you can groove your RZ57's and RZ58's on your ULTRIX DECstations.
  8. Die Worthless Spammer, but you'll need mace, sam and 822flatten, but it's a start.
  9. When you absolutely, positively have to rename all your UNIX machines.
  10. A POP3 Limbo module.
  11. The old V8 = known as ':' on Plan 9, but the principle remains the same (until it got deprecated).
  12. mace an MH style user agent; simpler, smaller and more powerful.
  13. A very early, rough port of mace to Plan 9.
  14. Sometimes you need some crypto, so here's DES and MD5.
  15. To put sam on Linux here are the Make.linux Makefiles.
  16. A simple script to rename JPEG files from[eg] to something more reasonable. Used with Sony Mavica MVC-FD71 digital cameras.
  17. Instructions how to install Plan 9 from USB floppy only machines (eg. Sony VAIOs).
  18. A basic irc bot that evals commands it's given with the permission and namespace of whoever started it.
  19. A poor man's /n/dump for multiboot PC's that run Windoze.
  20. Plan 9 3rd Edition /dev/kbmap support for dynamically loadable keyboard layout maps (for the PC port) [updated for 4th Edition].
  21. vr.c which is a dumb filter to debug rune problems, outputing glyph, Unicode value, UTF sequence and an optional comment.
  22. Some Plan 9 tools to filter spam: spamoff which uses a white list and zero to manage auto-append, auto-locking log files generated by spamoff.
  23. ASCII meets Runes and troff(1) giving ralph.c. The clue to this is drawterm(1).

© 2004 Boyd Roberts <>