#include #include #include int isatty(int); int doauth(int, char *); char *user, *remote; char *netdir; int debug = 0; static int stripcr = 0; static int mflag = 0; static int iflag = -1; static int nopw = 0, nopka = 0; static int chpid; static int reqfd, dfd1, cfd1, dfd2, cfd2, consfd, kconsfd, cctlfd, notefd, keyfd; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: ssh [-dkKmr] [-l user] [-n dir] [-z attr=val] addr [cmd [args]]\n"); exits("usage"); } int handler(void *, char *) { char *p; int fd; if (chpid) { p = smprint("/proc/%d/note", chpid); fd = open(p, OWRITE); free(p); fprint(fd, "interrupt"); close(fd); } fprint(cctlfd, "rawoff"); close(cctlfd); close(consfd); fprint(reqfd, "close"); close(reqfd); close(dfd2); close(dfd1); close(cfd2); close(cfd1); write(notefd, "kill", 4); close(notefd); return 1; } int cmdmode(void) { int n, m; char buf[256]; while (1) { reprompt: write(1, "\n>>> ", 5); n = 0; do { m = read(0, buf + n, 255 - n); write(1, buf + n, m); n += m; buf[n] = '\0'; if (buf[n-1] == 0x15) goto reprompt; } while (buf[n-1] != '\n' && buf[n-1] != '\r'); switch (buf[0]) { case '\n': case '\r': break; case 'q': return 1; case 'c': return 0; case 'r': stripcr = 1 - stripcr; return 0; case 'h': print("c - continue\n"); print("h - help\n"); print("q - quit\n"); print("r - toggle carriage return stripping\n"); break; default: print("Unknown command\n"); } } } main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *p, *q, *path; char *whichkey; int conn, chan, n, i, lstart, nfd; char buf[4096]; keyfd = -1; whichkey = nil; ARGBEGIN { case 'd': debug++; break; case 'l': user = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'r': stripcr = 1; break; case 'I': iflag = 0; break; case 'i': /* Used by scp */ iflag = 1; break; case 'v': case 'a': case 'x': break; case 'k': nopka = 1; break; case 'K': nopw = 1; break; case 'm': mflag = 1; break; case 'n': netdir = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'z': whichkey = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); break; } ARGEND; if (argc == 0) usage(); if (iflag == -1) iflag = isatty(0); remote = *argv; ++argv; --argc; if (q = strchr(remote, '@')) { *q = 0; user = remote; remote = q+1; } if (!netdir) { q = strchr(remote, '!'); if (q ) { n = q-remote; netdir = malloc(n+1); strncpy(netdir, remote, n); netdir[n] = '\0'; p = strrchr(netdir, '/'); if (p) { if (strcmp(p+1, "ssh") == 0) *p = '\0'; else remote = smprint("%s/ssh", netdir); } else { free(netdir); netdir = nil; } } } if (!user) user = getuser(); if (netdir) p = smprint("%s/ssh", netdir); else p = smprint("/net/ssh"); if (access(p, OREAD) < 0) { if ((n = rfork(RFPROC|RFMEM|RFNOTEG)) == 0) { if (netdir) execl("/bin/sshtun", "sshtun", "-m", netdir, nil); else execl("/bin/sshtun", "sshtun", nil); exits(nil); } do { i = waitpid(); } while (i != n && i >= 0); } free(p); if ((n = rfork(RFPROC|RFMEM|RFFDG|RFNOWAIT)) == 0) { if (netdir) p = smprint("%s/ssh/keys", netdir); else p = smprint("/net/ssh/keys"); keyfd = open(p, ORDWR); free(p); if (keyfd < 0) { // fprint(2, "failed to open sskeys: %r\n"); chpid = 0; exits(nil); } kconsfd = open("/dev/cons", ORDWR); if (kconsfd < 0) nopw = 1; n = read(keyfd, buf, 5); buf[5] = 0; if (n < 0) exits(nil); n = strtol(buf+1, nil, 10); n = readn(keyfd, buf+5, n); buf[n+5] = 0; switch (*buf) { case 'f': if (kconsfd >= 0) fprint(kconsfd, "%s\n", buf+5); case 'o': close(keyfd); if (kconsfd >= 0) close(kconsfd); break; default: if (kconsfd >= 0) { if (*buf == 'c') { fprint(kconsfd, "The following key has been offered by the server:\n"); write(kconsfd, buf+5, n); fprint(kconsfd, "\n\n"); fprint(kconsfd, "Add this key? (yes, no, session) "); } else { fprint(kconsfd, "The following key does NOT match the known key(s) for the server:\n"); write(kconsfd, buf+5, n); fprint(kconsfd, "\n\n"); fprint(kconsfd, "Add this key? (yes, no, session, replace) "); } n = read(kconsfd, buf, 10); write(keyfd, buf, n); seek(keyfd, 0, 2); readn(keyfd, buf, 5); buf[5] = 0; n = strtol(buf+1, nil, 10); n = readn(keyfd, buf+5, n); buf[n+5] = 0; switch (*buf) { case 'b': case 'f': fprint(kconsfd, "%s\n", buf+5); case 'o': close(keyfd); close(kconsfd); } } else { fprint(keyfd, "n"); close(keyfd); } } chpid = 0; exits(nil); } chpid = n; atnotify(handler,1); if (netdir) p = smprint("%s/ssh", netdir); else p = smprint("ssh"); q = netmkaddr(remote, p, "22"); free(p); dfd1 = dial(q, nil, nil, &cfd1); if (dfd1 < 0) { fprint(2, "%s: dial: %r\n", argv0); if (chpid) { p = smprint("/proc/%d/note", chpid); nfd = open(p, OWRITE); fprint(nfd, "interrupt"); } exits(nil); } seek(cfd1, 0, 0); n = read(cfd1, buf, 10); buf[n] = 0; conn = atoi(buf); consfd = open("/dev/cons", ORDWR); cctlfd = open("/dev/consctl", OWRITE); fprint(cctlfd, "rawon"); if (doauth(cfd1, whichkey) < 0) goto bail; if (netdir) path = smprint("%s/ssh/%d!session",netdir, conn); else path = smprint("/net/ssh/%d!session", conn); dfd2 = dial(path, nil, nil, &cfd2); if (dfd2 < 0) { fprint(2, "%s: dial: %r\n", argv0); goto bail; } n = read(cfd2, buf, 10); buf[n] = 0; chan = atoi(buf); free(path); if (netdir) path = smprint("%s/ssh/%d/%d/request", netdir, conn, chan); else path = smprint("/net/ssh/%d/%d/request", conn, chan); reqfd = open(path, OWRITE); if (argc == 0) { if ((i = open("/env/TERM", OREAD)) < 0) fprint(reqfd, "shell"); else { n = read(i, buf, 32); buf[n] = 0; fprint(reqfd, "shell %s", buf); close(i); } } else { q = buf; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { q = seprint(q, buf+1024, " %s", argv[i]); if (q == nil) break; } if (q != nil) fprint(reqfd, "exec%s", buf); else { fprint(2, "Command too long\n"); fprint(reqfd, "close"); goto bail; } } rfork(RFNOTEG); path = smprint("/proc/%d/notepg", getpid()); notefd = open(path, OWRITE); switch (rfork(RFPROC|RFMEM|RFNOWAIT)) { case 0: while (1) { n = read(dfd2, buf, 1024); if (n <= 0) break; if (stripcr) { for (i = 0, p = buf, q = buf; i < n; ++i, ++q) if (*q != '\r') *p++ = *q; } else p = buf + n; write(1, buf, p-buf); } fprint(2, "Connection closed by server\n"); break; case -1: fprint(2, "fork error: %r\n"); goto bail; default: lstart = 1; while (1) { n = read(0, buf, 1024); if (n <= 0) break; if (!mflag && lstart && buf[0] == 0x1c) { if (cmdmode()) break; else continue; } lstart = (buf[n-1] == '\n' || buf[n-1] == '\r'); write(dfd2, buf, n); } fprint(2, "EOF on client side\n"); break; } bail: fprint(cctlfd, "rawoff"); close(cctlfd); close(consfd); fprint(reqfd, "close"); close(reqfd); close(dfd2); close(dfd1); close(cfd2); close(cfd1); write(notefd, "kill", 4); close(notefd); exits(nil); return 0; } int isatty(int fd) { char buf[64]; buf[0] = '\0'; fd2path(fd, buf, sizeof buf); if(strlen(buf)>=9 && strcmp(buf+strlen(buf)-9, "/dev/cons")==0) return 1; return 0; } int doauth(int cfd1, char *whichkey) { UserPasswd *up; int n; if (!nopka) { if (whichkey) n = fprint(cfd1, "ssh-userauth K %s %s", user, whichkey); else n = fprint(cfd1, "ssh-userauth K %s", user); if (n >= 0) return 0; } if (nopw) return -1; /* up = auth_getuserpasswd(iflag ? auth_getkey : nil, "proto=pass service=ssh server=%q user=%q !password?", remote, user); */ up = auth_getuserpasswd(iflag ? auth_getkey : nil, "proto=pass service=ssh server=%q user=%q", remote, user); if (up == nil) { fprint(2, "Failure to get password: %r\n"); return -1; } n = fprint(cfd1, "ssh-userauth k %s %s", user, up->passwd); if (n >= 0) return 0; fprint(2, "auth %r\n"); return -1; }